Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Pulping and Papermaking
PAPERMAKING; PAPER TESTING; PAPER PROPERTY; PAPER QUALITY CONTROL. Because of his experience in a kraft mill and later in research and development, Expert has gained expertise in identifying tests to find and correct many problems occurring in papermaking operations. He…
Technology Commercialization, Business Development, Material Science, Photonics, Business Incubation
In 2006 expert was promoted to Director of Business Incubation at Boston University. He was responsible for incubating new technology companies originating from all disciplines at BU and other major research institutions in the region. In a period of four…
Homogeneous Catalysis, Water oxidation, CH oxidation, inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry
Expert is an expert in alkane and alkene chemistry and can provide insight into aspects of oxidation, partial oxidation, hydrogenation, hydrosilation, hydroformylation, and polymerization. Expert is knowledgeable of all aspects of the synthesis, structure, uses, and reactions of organometallic compounds…
Chemical Analysis, Polymer Characteristics
Expert P. Expert has devoted a large part of his 40-year career to polymer characterization and macromolecular physical sciences. As a physical polymer chemist at the US Rubber Company and for some 35 years afterwards at Allied Chemical/AlliedSignal, much of…
Biotechnology: All Areas of Business and Technology
Expert has extensive hands-on experience with, and knowledge of, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe technology, having worked in this area for 10 years. He used nucleic acid probe technology to characterize mammalian viruses and oncogenes while performing research supported by the…
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE; FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENT. Expert has conducted extensive research on fiber-reinforced concrete since 1983 and has published over 30 papers on the subject. His work involved mainly synthetic fibers including polypropylene, nylon, acrylic, aramid, carbon, and recycled fibers. He has…
Metal Alloy Welding, Stainless Steel, and Nickel Alloy Properties
Expert has extensive experience with the specification and application of nickel and stainless alloys in the high temperature areas of gas (both aero and industrial/marine) and steam turbines including compressors, combustion, and turbine components. He has worked closely with designers,…
Materials Processing and Manufacturing
Recent work in Expert's group has shown that high velocity sheet metal forming can dramatically improve material formability (the amount of stretch available without tearing) and wrinkling can be greatly suppressed. Electromagnetic forming is a very convenient way of flexibly…
Wood Science, Wood Chemistry, Wood Coatings, Recycling
Expert has been involved in research in weathering of wood for the past 20 years. He studies wood discoloration, surface oxidation, and surface protections. He uses electron spin resonance to characterize free radicals (formation, termination) and mechanisms of weathering. He…
Integrated Business/Technology Planning, Strategic Planning, Small/Medium Business Analysis
Expert has a deep understanding of virtually all aspects of business development, including customer needs; operations efficiency and effectiveness. He has provided advice and counsel for numerous small businesses and has managed in-depth studies of telecommunications and information handling requirements…