Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Microcontroller-based Product Design
Most of the projects expert has been involved with have been real-time dependent. He has designed high-speed bit-slice-based data acquisition units for military aircraft radar, high-speed machinery controls, home automation, cordless telephones, fitness equipment, arcade games, and other consumer products.…
Corrosion in Plant, Buildings, HVAC, Hi-Temp, Surveys/Failure Analysis; Expert Witness, Seminars
Expert has over 35 years of experience in practical aspects of materials utilization involving steels, stainless and high alloy steels, nickel and nickel alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, and titanium and titanium alloys in many corrosive…
Copiers, Printers, Office Equipment
ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM; ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHY; XEROGRAPHY; XEROGRAPHIC AND ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHIC COPIERS AND PRINTERS; COLOR IMAGING AND REPRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Expert (prefers Corky) has over twenty years of experience performing technology development, innovation, and product and subsystem design, working for many of the leading companies…
Electronic Displays
Expert has worked in this field for over 30 years. He has done research, development, and engineering on a variety of technologies, including display devices, display systems, the electronic circuitry needed to drive displays and interface them with computers and…
Refractories and Ceramics
Expert has had extensive experience in industry as well as academia in the area of advanced ceramics. He was a professor of Ceramic Engineering for 12 years, and has been a Summer Researcher at three national labs. He has been…
Electrical Ceramics, Ceramic Capacitors, Ceramic Processing, Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics,
Expert has 50 years of experience in ceramic processing and properties of electrical ceramics, including capacitors,multilayer ceramic capacitors, insulators, dielectrics, inductors, resistors, thermistors, sensors, transducers, varistors, superconductors, and thin-layer capacitors. He has 10 years of industrial experience and 36 years…
Wood Design, Wood Performance
WOOD. Expert is an expert on wood, how it grows, is processed, and used. He studies the ecology of trees including tree growth, structure, and property relationships. Expert is an authority on the philosophy and economics of tree use as…
Paper Manufacturing, Coating, and Recycling
He has expertise in paper and paperboard coating. This includes coating formulations, coating processes, new grade developments, and troubleshooting involved in a wide variety of coated paper and paperboard products. In addition to printability and optical property improvements, he is…
Chemical Engineering
Expert has taught a course in air pollution control at BYU about a dozen times in the past 22 years, a course which he organized. He has general experience in the design of air pollution control systems and has specific…