Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 735902 Minnesota, USA

Polymer Systems and Security Materials Products

Expert's background is in polymer systems (processing, materials, and properties) where he has nearly 30 years experience in polymers/plastics. Among those that worked with extrusion at 3M, he was within the top 5% of extrusion experts, which is obviously an…

ID: 735695 South Carolina, USA

Chemistry, Polymers, Plastics, Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings, and Materials

Award winning, Cornell Expert chemist with 30+ years of experience in the chemical industry and 9 personal US patents plus over 25 additional patents granted to his group. Expert has led research and development initiatives around the world. He has…

ID: 733385 Minnesota, USA

Pharmaceuticals: Formulations, Injectables, Topicals, Analgesics, Pharmaceutical Analysis

CORE SKILLS Instrumentation skills. APIs/preformulation: X-ray diffraction; Raman spectroscopy; HPLC (potency, degradants, purity, linearity, accuracy, precision, LOQ, LOD) with detection via UV-Vis, fluorescence, and conductivity; content uniformity, dissolution/elution incl. sustained- and immediate release formulations, paddle wheel apparatus; forced degradation incl.…

ID: 734924 California, USA

Medical Device Engineering

He worked on hazard analysis of medical devices such as biochemical sensors. He worked on packaging processes of medical devices such as implantable catheters. He worked on packaging materials of medical devices such as plastic packaging. He worked on manufacturing…

ID: 733558 New York, USA

On-Line Near Infrared Process Analysis, Chemometrics Analysis, and Applied Spectroscopy

ON-LINE PROCESS ANALYSIS. Expert pioneered the development and use of on-line near infrared (NIR) process analysis for refinery and chemicals process monitoring at Exxon. His designs are the basis for a commercially available system and have been instrumental in products…

ID: 732133 California, USA

RFIC, AMS and ROIC Circuit Design; IP and Patents; System Design; New Business, SBIR and Proposals

He has extensive experience in high-performance / high-dynamic range analog mixed signal, custom digital, and RF integrated circuit design, layout, and test, from concept to production for commercial, military, and space IC products. He has knowledge of IC process development,…

ID: 732029 Georgia, USA

Lighting: Components and Systems, Field and Accident Investigations, Codes and Standards

Expertise in virtually all technical, business and legal aspects of lighting. Consulting services include lighting systems, lighting controls, accident investigations/field issues, and codes and standards. A specific field of expertise is in the technical and legal review of metal halide…

ID: 731822 California, USA

LEDs, Lasers, Optoelectronics, Photonics, Optics, Semiconductors, Electronics, Fiber Optics, Components, and IC\’s

Expert has over 450 issued utility patents in Optoelectronics, photonics, optics, semiconductors, electronics, fiber optics, optical components, optical packaging, and optoelectronic devices such as PICs, silicon photonics, LEDs photodetectors, laser diodes, VCSELs, and associated technological areas. Expert has over 30…

ID: 730321 Maine, USA

Failure Analysis, Product Design, Industrial Machinery, Appliances, Heaters and Patents

Expert has engineered, built and patented many types of automated industrial machines. These systems range from machines to make Compact Discs and DVD’s to machinery for making plastic cutlery, to other devices for automated assembly and processing of parts. He…

ID: 729958 Illinois, USA

Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Thin Films, and Patent Strategy

A young veteran of the technology startup world, Expert most recently held the position of chief executive officer at a carbon nanotube supply company that was spun out of Northwestern University in early 2007. Initially hired as business development manager,…

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