Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 723806 California, USA

Textiles, Fluoropolymers, Chemicals

He has been involved in surface modification for 20 years. His main expertise is in fabric modification to make water and oil repellent textiles. He founded a company, Nano-Tex, in 1998 to do this. He is now manufacturing the chemicals…

ID: 723505 Virginia, USA

Industrial Chemical Production, Natural Gas Conversion to Liquid Fuels, Fine Chemicals, and Energy e

In general, chemical compounds that have multiple bonds (Double or Triple), they can accept addition reactions. The reaction could proceed either by nucleophilic, or electrophillic addition reactions. In some special cases, it can be controlled either thermodynamically, or kinetically. Activation…

ID: 723251 Nevada, USA

Product Invention, Product Design, Market Strategy, and Strategic Partnering

• Under largest technology grant ever provided by the UK Department of Industry, invented and commercialized the Geotechometer. In conjunction with Racal Micro-Electronics under MOD Secrecy Act the Geotechometer ‘point to point’ was one of the very first hand held,…

ID: 722977 India

Cement Process Technology, Process Engineering and Design, Energy Audit, Environmental System

Expert notes that comminution means size reduction, and that size reduction is an important unit operation in industries like cement, glass, mineral processing, paint, and other industries. He has the capacity to analyze the grinding units and evaluate their potential…

ID: 108270 New York, USA

Fires, Explosions, Hazardous Chemicals, Chemical Burns and Toxic Exposure; Consumer and Industrial Products and Processes

CFEI, CPC, CChE, FAIC, FRSC, DABFET; Forensic Litigation Expert; Products Liability; Personal Injury Experienced, forensic expert witness for plaintiff or defense; both Federal and State. Accepting cases including, but not limited to: fires and explosions, hazardous chemicals, chemical burns and…

ID: 108339 New Jersey, USA

Chemical Analysis, Polymer Characteristics

Expert P. Expert has devoted a large part of his 40-year career to polymer characterization and macromolecular physical sciences. As a physical polymer chemist at the US Rubber Company and for some 35 years afterwards at Allied Chemical/AlliedSignal, much of…

ID: 107886 Oregon, USA

Wastewater Treatment

Dr. G. Expert has applied his background in chemical engineering, particulate filtration, and membrane separation technology to the areas of water and wastewater management, pollution prevention, and the treatment of industrial wastewaters and hazardous wastes. He is knowledgeable of waste…

ID: 720334 Kentucky, USA

Metal Alloy Welding, Stainless Steel, and Nickel Alloy Properties

Expert has extensive experience with the specification and application of nickel and stainless alloys in the high temperature areas of gas (both aero and industrial/marine) and steam turbines including compressors, combustion, and turbine components. He has worked closely with designers,…

ID: 719692 Ohio, USA

Industrial Utilities and Forensic Engineering

Expert has spent a major portion of his career involved with industrial utility generation and distribution. This has included steam and condensate, compressed air, chilled and frigid water, and fuels. His work has encompassed, and continues to encompass, the primary…

ID: 108244 Colorado, USA

Cryogenic Materials

AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Expert has expertise in the development of new nitrogen-strengthened steels. He was the U.S. representative to the High Nitrogen in Steels International Conference. He has also published three review papers and about 50 technical papers on low-temperature…

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