Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Structure-Property Relationships of Polymers, Polymer Composites and Polymer Nanocomposites
Expert has published numerous papers on surfactant and polymer adsorption at water-solid interfaces. A great deal of his work involves characterization and properties of amorphous polymers, especially polystyrene and its various derivatives. He earned B.S. and PhD degrees in Chemical…
Polymer Processing and Product Development (Films, Fibers, Nanofibers, Nanocomposites)
PROCESS/STRUCTURE/PROPERTY RELATIONSHIPS Expert has extensive experience and recognized accomplishments in process/structure/property relationships in polymers, especially processes involving polymer orientation and crystallization. Polymers in which he has primary experience include polyesters (PET, PEN, PBT, PTT, PLA), polyamides (PA6, PA66), and polyolefins…
Biomaterials, Medical Device Rapid Prototyping, and Laser Processing of Materials
Since their invention in the early 1960s, lasers have found many uses in the medical field. Most current medical applications of lasers involve use as a “universal scalpel” in minimally invasive surgeries, which offer little contact, little blood loss, shorter…
Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicology, Drug Development, Product Liability, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Patents
Expert worked in pharmacological research concerning opiate analgesics. The objective of the research was to find an anti-diarrheal drug with minimal analgesic and addiction potential. In particular, he led the research team that discovered and developed nufenoxole, an antidiarrheal drug.…
PSA Transdermal Drug Delivery & UV PSA Label Manufacturing Process & Application Development
Expert has in-depth knowledge of pressure sensitive adhesive, silicone coating material, and UV Acrylic Hot Melt adhesives. He has used his experience in PS adhesive formulating, material selection, market studies, and environmental testing to help clients determine appropriate adhesives for…
Industrial Chemical Production, Natural Gas Conversion to Liquid Fuels, Fine Chemicals, and Energy e
In general, chemical compounds that have multiple bonds (Double or Triple), they can accept addition reactions. The reaction could proceed either by nucleophilic, or electrophillic addition reactions. In some special cases, it can be controlled either thermodynamically, or kinetically. Activation…
Entrepreneurship, Startup Financing, Business Plan Development, Due Diligence, Cleantech, Energy Technologies, and Nanotechnology
Expert has started two early-stage cleantech companies over the past 10 years in the water treatment and building materials sectors, raising multiple rounds of venture financing and securing numerous government grants for both. He drove IP development, strategic partner identification…
Molecular Biophysics, Nucleic Acid Physical Chemistry, Biomimetic Ligand Design
Beginning with his graduate work on nucleic acid physical chemistry, the primary focus of his research has been in the area of molecular biophysics/biophysical chemistry. His Ph.D. was in polymer physical chemistry, and he has taught a variety of courses…
Pharmaceutical Research and Product Development, Formulation and Analysis
Expert has spent nearly 25 years at Employer, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in controlled drug delivery systems, pharmaceutical solutions, drug stability, drug diffusion and pharmaceutical rate processes. Before coming to USP, he was a teaching assistant at University of…
Controlled Release, Microencapsulation, Drug delivery, Taste Masking, Bioavailability Enhancement
Expert has almost twenty years of experience in the formulation of pharmaceuticals for controlled release delivery. This work includes drug bioavailability enhancement, tastemasking, enteric protection, tableting, colonic delivery, prevention of ingredient interaction, nasal delivery, and buccal delivery. He has employed…