Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Medical Devices, Combination Products, Biotech, Pharma, R&D, Operations, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain
Experienced global leader of R&D, Technical Operations, and Manufacturing organizations. Industrial focus in Medical Devices, Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Packaging/Labeling, and Combination Products. Broad functional experience in the fields of Project and Personnel Management, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Finance. Successful…

Model, Simulation, Stress, Fracture, polymers, Image Analysis, Image, Process, Aerospace, Surfaces
Expert was formally trained as a analytical chemist, specializing in polymer formulations and polymer physics. He continued his graduate training in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M focusing his work in the area of time dependent properties of polymeric…

Dairy Production of Cattle, Dairy Management, Mastitis Control and Prevention
Expert has had a positive impact on mastitis abatement as an independent researcher for more than 30 years. Expert was on the faculty at the University of Hawaii as an Extension Dairy Specialist, Dairy Researcher, and Instructor. Expert’s research efforts…

Accounting, Internal Controls Design, Financial Reporting, Human Resource Plans, and Growth Plans
Expert has a degree in accounting and has applied this training in analysis of source documents and recording of business transactions into end user financial reports. Expert has analyzed business transaction needs and internal and external reporting requirements to evaluate…

All Stationary Fuel Cell Technologies, Applications, and Solutions; 5kW to Multi-Megawatt Capacities
For over 25 years, Expert has been a leader in deploying and operating fuel cell power systems. He is recognized internationally for his technical knowledge, expertise, and pioneering work in developing fuel cell solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential electrical…

Digital Signal Processing and Multi-Polarization Doppler Weather Radar
Expert designed the first real-time color digital display before personal computers were capable of that speed. Expert designed six generations of weather radar digital signal processors (DSPs) for the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The first five were arithmetically…

TNA, TVET Providers\’ Audits/Capacity Building, Gap Analysis
I’m an electronics engineer graduated in 1993 with major in Automation control systems and instrumentation engineering. Started my career as Automation (PLCs, Analogue & Digital electronics, Sensors and process control) instructor in the Training Center for Automation Engineering (TCAE) established…

Construction Safety
Expert has over 40 years' experience in worldwide professional safety. His work experience includes tenure as Corporate Safety and Security Director for four Engineering, Design and Construction Management Firms. This work has involved over 600 worldwide construction projects. Additionally, as…

Tire Design & Development
Tire Technology Professional with Design & Development experience of over 500+ Tire sizes for all categories of Bias & Radial Tires, managing Technical, R&D, Testing & Tire out-sourcing functions. The major areas of expertise are - Development of New Product…

Video Communication including over Wireless
Expert's research expertise is in the use of packetization, interleaving, error resilience, forward error correction, unequal error protection, and other techniques to mitigate video streaming over wireless networks. He has a good working knowledge of video coding. For example, he…