Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Food Chemistry, Sensory Evaluation, Food Microbiology, Laboratories Accreditation, Quality Systems
Expert has several years of professional experience in Food Analysis, Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Quality Assurance of Food Microbiological and Chemical Laboratories, Quality Assurance of Mycotoxins Analysis Laboratories, Quality Assurance of Sensory Analysis Laboratories, including extensive work in application of…

Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, and Healthcare Associated Infections
Expert has over 25 years experience in academic, hospital-based, and commercial diagnostic microbiology. He has held laboratory director positions in university and private hospital settings, and as the national director of microbiology in industry. Expert has expertise in general clinical…

Validation of Sterilization Processes and USP/AAMI Microbiology, Cleanroom Practices, Aseptics, etc.
Expert has years of experience in validating EO sterilization systems per ISO 11135, Gamma sterilization systems per ISO 11137, and Steam sterilization systems per ISO 11134/17665. This would also include troubleshooting and cycle development issues. He has worked with large…

Parasitology, Immunology, Microbiology, Bioterror Agents, Grant Writing, Med Writing, Expert Witness
Expert has extensive experience in the preparation and submission of 510(k) documents to the FDA for approval of Class II medical devices. His first work in 510(k) preparation and submission was in 1987 for acceptance of a rapid immunoassay for…

Microbiology, Biotechnology, Cleanroom Microbiology, Sterilization, etc.
As a consultant, Expert has used his broad-based scientific background to work with a variety of clients. These clients have required expertise in such widely divergent subjects as the production of cellulosic ethanol (requiring a knowledge of basic thermodynamics, enzyme…

Clinical Applications, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Immunology, and Custom Speaking
Expert has been involved in the identification of biological molecules associated with disease and infection with bacterial and viral agents. By applying molecular techniques to vaccine and infection models, he has identified immunological (antigenic) markers of bacterial infections of human…

Food Safety & Food Microbiology
Expert' current research interests include rapid detection of foodborne pathogens; factors controlling growth and survival of microorganisms in foods; and beneficial uses of microorganisms. Expert has authored more than 170 peer-reviewed articles. He has supervised the thesis research of 19…

Beer & Beverage Technology, Chemometrics & Multivariate Analysis, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry
Expert has extensive experience conducting product and process research and development employing a range of disciplines including microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering on beer, cooler, fruit juice, and soft drinks. This work involves developing analytical methods for assessing the…

Toxicology (Benzene, Solvents, Metals); Medical Science and Microbiology (Causation); Environmental (Risk Assessment)
Expert has the Ph.D. in Microbiology with 30+ years of research and teaching experience with appointments in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine; the Biomedical Sciences Department, and as Adjunct Professor of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine; and as…

Water Pollution Microbiology
Expert's research program has focused on surveys of wastewaters, source waters, and drinking waters for waterborne disease-causing agents, specifically viruses and protozoa. She is working on new technologies for the recovery, detection, and identification of pathogens in water. She has…