Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725266 California, USA

Metallurgy, Tribology, Corrosion, Failure Analysis (Fatigue, Fracture, Wear, etc.), Legal Support

Expert has has worked extensively in the field of corrosion. He has taught a senior level college courses on the subject, performed fundamental research with published findings and he has testified in court as to the effect corrosion has on…

ID: 724275 Rhode Island, USA

Forensic Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Failure Analysis

As a metallurgist and Professor of Engineering, he has taught about the microstructural design of cast irons and the properties associated with each microstructure. He has also investigated failures of cast iron components under varied service conditions. As a metallurgist…

ID: 723418 Texas, USA

Forensic Engineering, Failure Analysis, Metallurgy, Corrosion, Slip and Fall, Mechanical Design, R&D

Expert is a registered & Board-Certified Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, with 74 publications, 23 Invited Talks and Lectures, and 27+ years of experience in engineering R&D in industry and academia, Consulting, and Expert Witness Litigation Support including…

ID: 722268 Florida, USA

Corrosion and Metallurgical Failure Analysis

Expert notes that corrosion is a major problem that affects many industries. Expert has spent over forty years studying and solving corrosion problems in the construction, aerospace, defense, petroleum, utility and related industries. He was also the technical editor of…

ID: 108440 Minnesota, USA

Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Processing, Materials Failure Analysis

Expert has gained extensive experience in the uses of ferrous metals and alloys (carbon and alloy steel, high strength steel, structural steel, heat resistant steel), non-ferrous metals and alloys, superalloys, stainless steels (austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, and precipitation hardening grades), tool…

ID: 108040 New Hampshire, USA

Patran, Apex, Finite Element Analysis, Nastran, Metal Failure, Random Vibration, Strength Assessment

ABAQUS; PATRAN; NASTRAN. Expert has had three years of experience in the application of NASTRAN to space shuttle dynamics problems. He has ten years of experience in the development and technical support of PATRAN FE modeling software and interfaces between…

ID: 740421 California, USA

Construction: General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor, Building Envelope & Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Disciplines

Expert is a distinguished construction consultant, expert witness, and construction management advisor with over 36 years of experience in the construction industry. As a licensed General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor in California for 25 years, Expert has cultivated specialized expertise…

ID: 739340 Minnesota, USA

Forensic Mechanical Engineering

Expert is a mechanical and forensic engineer with over 22 years of experience, including several thousand cases. He is licensed as a professional engineer in 15 states, and is certified as a gas appliance engineer, a plumbing designer, and as…

ID: 722870 Colorado, USA

Certified Paint and Coatings Inspection, Equipment & Applications

Expert has over 35 years of experience in paints and coatings. His expertise encompasses a multifaceted spectrum of domains, ranging from meticulous inspections to comprehensive defect analysis, and application technologies. His profound understanding of the nuances of paints and coatings…

ID: 739269 Georgia, USA

End-to-End Metal Packaging

Expert is a Packaging Management Consultant whose areas of focus cover all types of packaging, both primary and secondary. Expert's specialty is Metal Packaging, which covers beverage and food -- cans, ends, and bottles; containers, aerosols, decorative tins, and more.…

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