Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Air Medical, Critical Care, Trauma, Emergency Medicine, RN
Expert has worked as a nurse in critical care, emergency and trauma for the past 20 years. For 17 of the 20 years, she has been in transport nursing. She has been a flight nurse for 15 years. A definitive…

Veterinary Pathology, Infectious Diseases
Expert is an ACVP board-certified veterinary pathologist with over 30 years teaching and research experience in veterinary pathology and immunopathology. He has characterized immunodeficiency disorders and resolved infectious diseases in animals, some of which are transmissible to humans. He has…

Headache Migraine
Expert received his undergraduate and M.D. degree at Marquette University; their former School of Medicine is now the Medical College of Wisconsin. He first trained in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in Milwaukee and then completed a residency in…

Radiology (Musculoskeletal Imaging)
I am a professor of radiology, specializing in musculoskeletal imaging. I use all forms of diagnostic modalities, including radiographs, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). I have lectured around the world to audience of various backgrounds on both…

Otology, Neurotology, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Vertigo
Expert, Prof. Emeritus Clinical Otolaryngology, SUNY/Downstate is a graduate of the Kings County Hospital Center, Division of Otolaryngology – Residency Training Program. Following graduation, he completed a Fellowship with Julius Lempert at the Lempert Foundation and served as Lieutenant Commander…

Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, Healthcare-Associated Infections, HIV/AIDS, Med-Peds
Expert S. Expert, FACP, FAAP, FIDSA, AAHIVS is Clinical Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the Employer and Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine in New York and former Global Medical Director and Senior Vice President for Pall Corporation. After…

Family Litigation; Sexual Molestation; PTSD & other Psychiatric Damages due to Accidents, Chemicals
Expert has practiced general and general psychiatry in a hospital and outpatient setting since 1979. He has seen thousands of patients and provides psychotherapy and medication management. He has provided forensic consultation to the family courts. He has been retained…

Medical Device Accidents, Surgical Fires, Oxygen Safety, Medical Gas Piping, Failure Analysis
Eng. Expert has been conducting medical device accident investigations for 25 years and product failure analysis for more than 30 years. These failures sometimes involve the actual failure of a metal, plastic, or glass part or a failure of the…

Computer Aided Design, Finite Element Method, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics
Expert is the Director of the Medical Engineering Research Group at Employer and a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. Since completing her PhD in 2001, she has been applying mechanical engineering solutions to medical problems, mainly in orthopaedics. Expert's research…

Midwifery, Law and Ethics
Expert has been a practicising midwife, both in consultant and midwifery led care for the past 12 years. She holds current registered midwife status with the UK nursing and midwifery council. Has completed an LLM (masters degree) in medical law…