Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Polymer Science, Adhesives, Adhesion, Biomaterials, Medical Device, Analytical Chemistry
Experienced Research And Development Scientist with an innovative collaboration mindset enabling over 85 patents/applications in the medical device industry. Strong research professional skilled in Medical Devices, Biocompatibility, Regulatory Support (EU-MDR), Surface Science, Nanotechnology, Coatings, Adhesion and Adhesives, Polymer Chemistry, Biomedical…

InkJet, Inks, Packaging, Graphic Arts, Raw Materials, Printing Processes, Packaging for Food, Printing Problems, Problems with Packaging, Synthesis, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Dispersion
Expert has been active in inks and coatings, advanced materials, and medicinal chemistry for over 25 years. His lab develops novel chemistries and invents products people touch every day. Expert also specializes in formulation, synthesis, separation, and identification of natural…

Microfluidics, Microfabrication, Biomedical Devices, Microdevices for Cell Biology, Biological Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics of Complex Fluids
Expert has been doing fundamental and applied research in fluid mechanics for about 30 years and in micro fluidics for 20 years. In the last 19 years, Expert has been a Professor of Physics, running an experimental research group specializing…

Materials Engineering, Polymers, Metallurgy, Chemistry, Corrosion, and Adhesion Science
Expertise in chemistry, materials science, metals, polymers, corrosion, coatings and packaging. Expert has over 20 years of experience working as a technical consultant in materials engineering, polymers, metallurgy, chemistry, corrosion and adhesion science. She has been an advisor to companies…

Medical Devices, Combination Products, Biotech, Pharma, R&D, Operations, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain
Experienced global leader of R&D, Technical Operations, and Manufacturing organizations. Industrial focus in Medical Devices, Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Packaging/Labeling, and Combination Products. Broad functional experience in the fields of Project and Personnel Management, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Finance. Successful…

Fluoropolymers and Surface Modification of Materials
He is an expert in fluoropolymers plant design, start-up, upgrade and quality improvement. He developed this specialty particularly at DuPont (U.S.). This expertise has been augmented throughout his career in USA, China and India start-up, plant upgrade and quality improvement,…

Plastics, Innovation, Mineral Fillers, Dispersants, Coupling Agents, and Specialty Fluids
Expert has provided breakthrough materials, problems solving and training to Fortune 100 and small companies alike. He is a globally recognized expert in plastics, fillers and additives. He is ranked by peers as a world-class expert. He has solved six…

wound healing, burns, clinical research, FDA regulations, drugs, devices, medical writing
Expert provides scientific knowledge and regulatory background to assist companies in the research and development of clinical, animal and laboratory studies designed to promote pharmaceutical drugs and medical device products specializing in wound healing and burn care. Additional Services: •Development…

Composites, Manufacturing, Design, Polymer, Stress Analysis, Fracture, Failure, Mechanical Behaviour
Expert's field of expertise is mechanics of solids, fracture, failure and stress analysis, manufacturing and characterisation of advanced materials with special focus on composites in aerospace, automotive and medical applications using both experimental and simulation techniques. Part of her research…

Surface Technology, Coatings, Thin Film Deposition, PVD, Physical Vapour Deposition, Sputtering, PLD
He studied materials science with a focus on thin film materials, focussing in his PhD on process equipment and design of room-temperature deposited coating. As post-doc, he was employed to scale up deposition process from laboratory to industrially useable process…