Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, Computer Vision, Electromagnetism, Gravity, Relativity
Expert has a broad expertise in modeling physical systems. This includes characterization of dynamics e.g. in terms of differential equations, and then solving the equations theoretically or numerically. These skills have been applied to problems in engineering such as propagation…

Software Engineering, Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning, On-line Marketing
Expert has almost 15 years of experience in applied research and commercial SW development. His areas of expertise span both applied SW disciplines and research areas like process modeling, decision-support algorithms and optimization. He has consistently been successful in applying…

Communications, Electromagnetics, Acoustics, Systems Engineering, Mathematical Modeling
He has worked in acoustic agglomeration in measurement of acoustic environmental parameters. He has worked in linear and nonlinear acoustics for 30 years. He has calculated target acoustic strengths on targets at sea and in the air with radar studies.…

Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Expert has concentrated on the use of supercomputers to model processes employed to produce modern materials, especially to grow large, single crystals. Expert's work has entailed the study of heat and mass transfer (including radiation heat transfer) and incompressible fluid…

Electrical Engineering: Communication System Theory, Digital Signal Processing Theory, Advanced Algorithm Development and Comprehensive Research
Expert is an experienced Electrical Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Chief Executive Officer with vast experience in Communication System Theory, Digital Signal Processing Theory, Advanced Algorithm Development and Comprehensive Innovative Research, with a focus in the oil and gas industry, vehicle asset…

Drug Delivery Modeling
Expert is an independent modeling consultant from Huntsville, Alabama. Until recently, he was a senior principal scientist in CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC), Huntsville, Alabama. He has a strong background in PBBM/PBPK modeling and simulation methods, CFD, scientific computing, mathematical modeling…

Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Expert J. Expert is the McAfee Professor of Engineering at Employer, a member of the Center for Materials Science and Engineering, and the Center for Computational Science and Engineering at the Schwarzman College of Computing. In his research, Expert pursues…

Software Systems Scalability, Performance, Reliability, Positive Train Control, Industrial Control Systems, Data and Telecommunications Systems
Extensive experience in engineering, tuning, and evaluating software systems for performance, and scalability in many applications, including big data analytics for industrial systems, Positive Train Control, web-based systems for financial services, telecommunications operations support, conveyor systems, and performance requirements and…

Electric Power Systems
Expert works as a consulting Electrical Engineer for a variety of projects ranging from large scale including utility scale renewable generation to oil and gas production facilities, down to smaller such as fault troubleshooting or interconnection application support. Expert develops…