Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Prior Art for Software Patent Challenge
Expert has 34 years experience teaching mathematics and computer science at universities and colleges in the United States. He has consulted with engineers and developed algorithms and processes for manufacturing gears and other specialized parts. He has investigated prior art…
Financial Technology, Market Surveillance, Regulatory Systems
He is currently an expert witness in a case involving high-frequency trading and the improper handling of orders on the leading option exchanges. The case requires expertise in market surveillance and regulatory technology associated with order audit trails, alerts and…
Survey Data, Complex Weighted Data, Clinical Statistics, General Linear Models, Power Analysis, Reliability Analysis, and Survival Analysis
Expert's teaching courses include Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Survey Sampling, Applied Linear Models for Public Health, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics. Her research interests include children’s health with a focus on pediatric asthma (prevalence, clinical management, environmental triggers and academic outcomes…
Physics, Optics, Applied Mathematics, Algorithm Development, Electromagnetics, Quantum Theory
Expert has spent over 20 years developing mathematical algorithms, techniques and approaches to solve fundamental physics and engineering issues as well as model, analyse and/or design solutions to practical real world problems. He has a strong background in advanced mathematics,…
finance, neocortex, optimization, statistical, nonlinear, karate, combat, risk, trading, nuclear, physics, stochastic, intelligence, options
Expert's optimization code, Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA), is used worldwide in many disciplines for global optimization and sampling. He has experience leading teams in several disciplines, developing some powerful models and algorithms for extracting signal out of noise for some…
Mechanics of Composites, Micromechanics, Nanocomposites, Modeling, Probability
For the past 30 years, The Expert proposed and developed a micromechanics methodology to analyze the wide class of statical and dynamical, local and nonlocal, linear and nonlinear micromechanical problems (thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, piezoelectricity, conductivity) of composite materials with deterministic…
Technical Evaluation of Research and Development Efforts
Expert is a textbook author who is fully conversant with all aspects of high temperature superconductivity, from basic theory through fabrication techniques through device applications to economic analysis. He is currently serving as the principal technical adviser to a government…
Mathematics, Modeling, & Thermodynamics
Expert R. Expert has written commercial software using Microsoft Visual Basic that incorporates .DLL's compiled in other languages. This software incorporates sophisticated user interfaces as well as computational and database capabilities. Expert has extensive experience in the efficient implementation of…
Engineering Analysis and Modeling
ENGINEERING ANALYSIS; COMPUTER MODELING; COMPUTER MATHEMATICS; PHYSICS MODELING. Expert and his colleagues run a small company dedicated to problem solving and research in the engineering and physical sciences. They are experienced in computer modeling of engineering systems (thermal, mechanical, fluid,…