Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Plastic and Coating Stabilization; Controlled Degradation Analysis and Design; Analytical Services
Expert's knowledge in the area of amorphous and crystalline polymers is based on 36 years in the field, having worked with all commercially available amorphous, crystalline, and semicrystalline resins. His knowledge includes physical properties and stabilization at many levels and…

Biomaterials and Product Development R&D for Orthopedic, Cardiovascular, and Other Implants
Expert has helped assemble, and been lead author on 510(k) and IDE applications to the FDA. This has often included telephone conversations, and occasionally personal visits, with the FDA to discuss unique aspects of the devices and/or materials in the…

Corrosion in Plant, Buildings, HVAC, Hi-Temp, Surveys/Failure Analysis; Expert Witness, Seminars
Expert has over 35 years of experience in practical aspects of materials utilization involving steels, stainless and high alloy steels, nickel and nickel alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, and titanium and titanium alloys in many corrosive…

Chemical Process and Design
Expert has expertise in design, system engineering, and practical applications focusing on packed and tray towers, evaporators, heat exchangers (i.e. shell and tube, spiral and plate type, and specialized heat transfer equipment), heat pumps, pressure and vacuum filtration, dryers, centrifuges,…

Blood Wetted Devices and Biomaterials
BLOOD-WETTED BIOMATERIAL; CARDIOVASCULAR PROSTHESES; ARTIFICIAL INTERNAL ORGANS. Expert has been involved in the design, development, and evaluation of extracorporeal and implantable artificial internal organs for many years, first with the artificial kidney (including hemodialyzers and those based upon selective absorption)…

Metallurgical Engineering
Expert has expertise in the selection and application of materials, including metals and ceramics. He has been responsible for material selections for aircraft jet engines, industrial gas turbines, steam turbines, and generator components for 35 years. This includes the statistical…

Wastewater & Permits, Electro/Electroless/Semiconductor Plating Processes, Water Recycle
Expert has 25 years of R&D, technical service, and consulting experience in most areas of electroless plating, electrolytic plating, and printed circuit board plating. He owns his own consulting and contract R&D firm, which has numerous U.S. patents. A certified…