Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Workplace Safety, Product Safety, Mechanical Engineering, Workplace and Product Safety Surveys
Expert has expertise in product safety and liability reduction and specializes in electro-mechanical and mechanical systems. He has extensive experience in the areas of compressed gas systems, firearms, chainsaws, agricultural equipment, ladders, punch presses, power shears, power breaks, metal working…
Chemical Engineering
Expert has taught a course in air pollution control at BYU about a dozen times in the past 22 years, a course which he organized. He has general experience in the design of air pollution control systems and has specific…
Web Coating Technology
WEB COATING PROCESSES. Mr. E. Expert has spent a significant part of his career using web coating processes. He has experience with most application methods, fluid handling, drying of solvent, and aqueous systems. He evaluates process specifications, on-and-off-line process monitoring…
Mechanical Engineering, Cavitation Erosion
HYDRAULICS; OCEAN ENGINEERING; WATER-JET CLEANING. Expert (prefers Dr. Thiru) has extensive experience applying his expertise in hydraulics to ocean engineering and industry. Dr. Thiru is a recognized expert in materials research and has demonstrated a deep understanding of material behavior…
DFM, Smart Materials and Composites
SMART MATERIAL; INTELLIGENT MATERIAL. Expert has published the first book in this field and pioneered work on fluid-based smart structures. He has extensive experience in all aspects of this embryonic field. In addition, Expert has provided his services to the…
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY; BIOTECHNOLOGY. Expert is an authority in biotechnology, especially biotechnological principles for food, chemical, and pharmaceutical applications. He expends significant research efforts on the genetics of industrial organisms, with the ultimate goal of isolating, overproducing, and utilizing enzymes and…
Materials Science, Patents, Fiber Optics, Laser Medical Devices
As a research scientist and now a consultant, Expert has been involved with material science, especially on projects related to the mechanical and optical properties of materials, both organic and inorganic. For the past 14 years, a majority of his…
Composite Materials
Expert has had extensive experience in cost/performance trade studies for the selection of composite materials. These materials use graphite, aramid, glass, and polyolefin fibers with epoxy, vinyl ester, and other thermosetting resins. Expert has knowledge of the structural capabilities, limitations,…
Enterprise Management Systems
Expert has spent a majority of his career involved in assisting companies select and implement systems to manage the process of manufacturing. His work has included almost every major software product for mainframe, mid-range, and minicomputers, as well as many…
Packaging Design, Development, and Testing
Expert's career in packaging has involved all aspects of design, development, and qualification testing of product and package systems. Protective packaging enables products to survive the normal transportation and distribution handling hazards of shock, vibration, compression, humidity, and temperature. He…