Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 723272 New Jersey, USA

Parasitology, Immunology, Microbiology, Bioterror Agents, Grant Writing, Med Writing, Expert Witness

Expert has extensive experience in the preparation and submission of 510(k) documents to the FDA for approval of Class II medical devices. His first work in 510(k) preparation and submission was in 1987 for acceptance of a rapid immunoassay for…

ID: 723265 South Carolina, USA

Management and Technology for Aluminum, Magnesium, Chemicals and Environmental

Directed the evaluation and selection of technology recommended for aluminum smelter expansions and new green site facilities. Directed equipment and technology retrofit in an operating plant to increase metal production by 10%. Directed the replacement of an existing plant-wide process…

ID: 723216 Florida, USA

Intellectual Property Law, Patent Law; Industries: Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences

Expert's Ph.D. thesis research concerned the plasma proteins, especially fetuin. He completed postdoctoral research fellowships at Harvard Medical School / NIH (Alzheimer’s disease, tau gene, genomic cloning), Johnson & Johnson (skin diseases, homeobox transcription factors), and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center…

ID: 723201 California, USA

Entrepreneurship, Startup Financing, Business Plan Development, Due Diligence, Cleantech, Energy Technologies, and Nanotechnology

Expert has started two early-stage cleantech companies over the past 10 years in the water treatment and building materials sectors, raising multiple rounds of venture financing and securing numerous government grants for both. He drove IP development, strategic partner identification…

ID: 723197 Nevada, USA

Quality Assurance Engineering

Expert has over 15 years of experience with quality assurance. He provided Quality Assurance support to insure timely and cost effective: systemic, design, component and product compliance. His activities included supporting: New Product Development, Design Reviews, Verification and Validation, Material…

ID: 723182 California, USA

Software and Internet Business and Technology Development

He has worked in the field of artificial intelligence since 1971. In automated planning and problem solving, he developed highly efficient methods for state-based search, and invented what is now termed “modern” or “partial-order” problem solving. He conceived of and…

ID: 723180 California, USA

Materials for Electronic Applications

Expert has successfully writen 2 proposals for EPA SBIR grants. The first was for a phase 1 program for the recovery and regeneration of spent etchants. This successful program was followed by a phase 2 proposal and award. That phase…

ID: 723166 Michigan, USA

Personal Injury, Industrial/Construction Safety, Compliance, Auditing, OSHA Standards

Expert provides safety engineering, accident investigation, accident reconstruction, industrial/construction accident consulting, expert witness testimony, and related expertise to a wide variety of clients. In addition to the automotive “Big Three” he was the safety director at a sheet metal stamping…

ID: 723147 Pennsylvania, USA

Lubricants, Metalworking Lubricants

In expert’s tenure as a consultant, he has undertaken the analysis of competitors to ensure that his client has a better understanding of how to succeed in a specific market segment. He has also not hesitated to recommend to a…

ID: 723090 Pennsylvania, USA

Machine Vision, Lasers, Laser-based Systems, Laser process, Light Processing, Optical Testing, Optics, Automation, Machine Design

Expert has developed automated inspection systems for various industries, that is, those systems needed for intermediate process control, as well as for final inspections. He is experienced with vision resolutions up to 4K by 4k with speeds up to 60…

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