Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 736635 North Carolina, USA

Finance Management, Strategy and Business Development; Running Operations For Multinational/International Developers in Energy/Power, Mining/Metals, and FMCG

Expert has developed his international business career through senior finance management, strategy and business development assignments, running operations for multinationals and international developers in energy/power, mining/metals, and FMCG on four continents. He helped execute acquisitions and integrations of approx. $2B…

ID: 735870 Colorado, USA

Surfaces, Nanostructured Materials, and Electrochemistry, Including Batteries)

Expertise in chemistry of surfaces and interfaces; nanostructured materials; electrochemistry. Expert has worked in patent litigation and other cases requiring technical interpretations. MISSION Expert offers technology consulting, IP consulting, and expert services, leveraging his expertise in developing new materials and…

ID: 735826 Florida, USA

Funeral-Legacy-Retirement Planning

Expert is a Certified Financial Fiduciary which are sworn to uphold the highest moral, ethical and fiduciary standards of service when providing advice to potential or existing clients. He is also Registered Financial Consultant a member of IARFC (International Association…

ID: 735251 California, USA

Valuations, SEC, Forensic Accounting, CFO Leadership, Public Companies, and Damage/Loss Profit Calculations

Expert is a CPA, CFE, CVA, JD and CFO who has worked with dozens of lawyers on over 125 cases in various states. In many cases, he provides financial support for a client in litigation, or pre-litigation. In others, he…

ID: 735071 United Kingdom

Defined Benefit Pension Scheme Strategy and Investment

Expert has extensive experience in the pension industry in investment, strategy and finance roles. He has recently provided expert advice in relation to: - Investment bank and asset manager foreign exchange charges - Custody bank transition management agreements and fees…

ID: 732133 California, USA

RFIC, AMS and ROIC Circuit Design; IP and Patents; System Design; New Business, SBIR and Proposals

He has extensive experience in high-performance / high-dynamic range analog mixed signal, custom digital, and RF integrated circuit design, layout, and test, from concept to production for commercial, military, and space IC products. He has knowledge of IC process development,…

ID: 731675

Internet Applications, Mobile Computing, Distributed Systems, and the Cloud

Expert has been practicing in the computer science and software engineering field for the last 30 years and continues to practice at a University where he teaches. He is a member of several accredited engineering societies and has received several…

ID: 731226 Minnesota, USA

Forensic Psychiatry, System Consultation, and Program Planning and Development Services

Expert has over 25 years of experience providing clinical treatment, case consultation and program planning and development services. He is board certified in general psychiatry and in child/adolescent psychiatry. He has consulted locally and nationally to private businesses, health insurance…

ID: 730954 Ohio, USA

Securities Litigation, Complex Litigation, Antitrust, FIRREA, TCPA

Expert is one of the foremost experts in commercial litigation. He works with securities litigation and class action cases within the realms of author, speaker and/or commentator.His comments have appeared in a wide variety of publications, such as The New…

ID: 729952 Minnesota, USA

Biometrics, Nanotechnology, Early Stage Technology Commercialization, Information Technology

Expert founded one of the earliest biometric identification companies focusing on live-scan technology development. The company later interfaced with every major AFIS vendor. Expert has 10 patents on core biometric technologies. He has developed designs for National I.D. programs, evaluated…

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