Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726247 Florida, USA

Standard of Care, Failure, Rrrors Theaters, Medical, Codes, Water Damage Mold, Slip & Falls

Expert is an award-winning licensed architect with extensive knowledge of architectural building projects and engineering practices. He has also provided expert witness and arbitration services on several design/construction cases regarding compliance with the permit drawings, Standard of Care, slip and…

ID: 726245 Minnesota, USA

Implantable and Non-Implantable Medical Device Risk, Safety, and Failures

He has experience in developing, writing, and submitting risk management related documentation to support Notified Body, 510k, PMA-S, and PMA submissions (Class I, II, and III). He has experience in the legal and safety requirements between 510k and PMA devices…

ID: 726237 Minnesota, USA

Smart Energy, Software Test Automation & Intellectual Property

He has worked for Sun Microsystem's Java Software division and had a significant influence on OpenJDK: Sun's open source implementation. Also at Sun he developed an automated performance measurement infrastructure for the Java Virtual Machine which closed the performance feedback…

ID: 726152 North Carolina, USA

Plant Biotechnology, Greenhouse Design, Greenhouse Management, Plant Protocols

He has fourteen years of experience in the field of plant biotechnology managing the day to day production of greenhouse source plant targets for laboratory research. He has a unique skill set managing the successful production of corn for biotechnology…

ID: 726141 New Jersey, USA

Circuit Design Engineer–Analog, Power Supply, EMI, Video, Audio, RF, Motors, Sensors, Ckt Simulation

He has extensive analog circuit design skills and he is expert in using mathematical derivation analysis of systems/circuits coupled with confirming computer modeling and simulation tools such as PSpice, Mathcad, MATLAB, and Excel. He is an expert in both the…

ID: 726129 Illinois, USA

Product Development, Product Sourcing, Finishing Systems, Consumer Data Decision-making, IP

He has worked in business development for over 10 years He has worked in Business Development for over 10 years He has worked in Business Strategy for over 16 years. He has developed and implemented business plans for a Fortune…

ID: 726072 Texas, USA

Specialty Chemicals and Plastics, Marketing and Business Intelligence and Strategy

EXPERT has extensive experience designing and conducting complex marketing research projects, and in incorporating research results into marketing and business strategies for major corporate industrial and products clients. For example: - He conducted research to determine market segmentation and priority,…

ID: 726063 Florida, USA

Real Estate

Expert analyzes the highest and best use on every appraisal he does. He has taken several courses that cover highest and best analysis. The income approach to value is considered in most commercial appraisals. Expert has taken several courses sponsored…

ID: 726014 Minnesota, USA

Intellectual Property and Patent Law: Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Biotech; and Chemical Engineering

He has extensive experience developing commercial biorefinery technologies for the production of chemicals, materials, and energy from biomass. He has developed patent-pending biorefinery technologies as lead inventor. He is aware of the spectrum of feedstocks, technology pathways, co-product opportunities, economic…

ID: 726001 Netherlands

Regulatory Affairs and Pricing and Reimbursement-European and Emerging Market

She has advised many International clients with regards to requirements for dossiers as well as routemap for ANDA Procedure in addition to the requirements for DMF dossier as well as routemap for EDQM Certificate of Suitability Procedure. She has worked…

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