Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Boron, Inorganic, & Analytical Chemistry
ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY; TRANSITION ELEMENT CHEMISTRY; BORON HYDRIDE CHEMISTRY; CARBORANE. Expert' research has centered on the chemistry of boron hydrides, carboranes, and their transition-metal and main group metal derivatives (metallaboranes and metallacarboranes). In recent years, he has been increasingly involved in…
Human Factors/Ergonomics
HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING; HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS; ERGONOMICS. Expert does research in the design of systems, equipment, and facilities. Expert is developing methods to make them safe and easy to use, maintain, and repair. One of his areas of expertise is automotive…
MS Windows engineering, C++
Expert (rhymes with easy, ) has been writing MS-Windows applications since before the release of Windows 1.0 (1985). His clients have included Lotus, Digital Equipment Corp., Waters-Millipore, Aspen Technologies, and Polaroid as well as several smaller companies in the Boston…
Computer Systems, System Programming, Digital Forensics, Computer Scientist
Expert is a seasoned software consultant with over four decades of experience in the computing industry. As the Principal of a consultancy, he has demonstrated expertise in areas such as operating systems, networks, security, and software development. His extensive knowledge…
Urban Design and Planning, Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, New Urbanism, Context-Sensitive Design
Expert has spent a significant portion of his career researching the relationship between the chemical and physical properties of asphalt cements. He has extensive knowledge of the rheology and durability of asphaltic materials, and also of the methods used to…
Fossil Fuel Hydroprocessing
Expert has devoted his research career to catalysis, especially in the areas of fossil fuel hydroprocessing and solid acid catalysis. He has done research on polymer supported catalysts, supported metal catalysts, especially novel catalysts made from metal clusters and other…
Organic Synthesis, Bioorganic Chemistry, ESI; Biomedical, Agricultural Research
ORGANIC SYNTHESIS; TERPENE SYNTHESIS; ALICYCLIC COMPOUND; ALKALOID. Expert is experienced in most aspects of synthetic organic chemistry. He has experience in the synthesis of natural products including terpenoids, alkaloids, and alicyclic compounds. Expert is involved in the development of new…
Superconductors, Xerography, Lamps, Electrostatics, Single Crystals, Semiconductors, Optics, Lasers
Expert has 12 years of experience at 3M and (undisclsoed) in R&D and inventions in "high-temp" superconductors. His work has led to revolutionary advancements and new applications for superconductor technology. For example, he developed a new Bi/Ca/Sr/Cu/O composition which grows…
Electronic Drive/Power Quality
Expert is concerned with the design, performance, and control of electrical energy conversion devices. He has research, development, and design experience in all types of variable-speed or constant-speed electromechanical drives, including variable-frequency/variable-voltage drives. He designed electric-hybrid, variable-speed drives for automobiles…
Ceramics, Coatings, Processing
Expert's educational background and research has given her experience in the structure-property relationships for ceramic materials. In particular, both her MS and PhD research topics involved the analysis of dielectric properties of ceramics. She is now involved with active research…