Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Intellectual Property and Patent Law: Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Biotech; and Chemical Engineering
He has extensive experience developing commercial biorefinery technologies for the production of chemicals, materials, and energy from biomass. He has developed patent-pending biorefinery technologies as lead inventor. He is aware of the spectrum of feedstocks, technology pathways, co-product opportunities, economic…

Economics, Intellectual Property and Damage Estimation
Expert's firm provides superior economic analysis and consulting for business, government and litigation purposes. The firm's professionals have expertise in the area of intellectual property, including analysis of lost profits due to patent infringement and anticompetitive behavior. They are also…

Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Psychology, Branding, Trademark Infringement, Intellectual Property
He is a Ph. D.-trained researcher who has published extensively in the areas of advertising and promotions effectiveness, marketing communications, and advertising deception, and is considered a leading authority in these areas. He has also conducted numerous marketing research studies…

Intellectual Property Protection
He has advised clients in all aspects of intellectual property protection. For each patent application that is written he must develop an understanding of the underlying technology. The claims that are made take into account the many aspects of claim…

Intellectual Property and Patent Litigation, Shoe Industry, Footwear Design Matters, etc.
Expert has a life long history and involvement in intellectual property and shoe design, asmore fully set forth in her resume. She has desinged shoes for the leading US, German, Italian and UK shoe companies and has served as an…

Information Technology and Cyberlaws, Intellectual Property and Commercial Laws Practice
Expert has successfully advised clients on conducting business online and ensuring all legal compliances have been made. She has suggested better models of doing business through e-commerce and assisted in developing new e-marketing tools and models for a web business.…

Medical Devices, Electronic Systems, Acoustics and Hearing, Intellectual Property
Because of his long-term interest in sound and hearing, Expert has been involved with many aspects of acoustic measurement. He has developed proprietary technology for sound level measurement and noise dose determination and has utilized his skills in acoustic measurement…

Intellectual Property: Trademark, Trade Dress, Copyright, Licensing, Brand Identity, Package Design
Serving over 50 cases and testifying at multiple depositions, arbitration, and trials, Expert is an accomplished expert witness on all trademark, trade dress, copyright, and brand infringement issues. As the Managing Partner of one of the brand identity industry's most…

Drug Discovery & Development Technology and Intellectual Property (Patents, Trade Marks, etc.)
He has had the Drug Discovery Department, as part of his role as Director R & D, at Wockhardt Limited, discover several new NCEs during the tenure of this position, which NCEs are more extensively described in a later section…

Valuations for Business, Intellectual Property and Tax, Estate and Gift
Expert, CPA, MBA, MST has been appointed as an expert by counsel for both plaintiff and defendant in different cases. He has worked and consulted in both civil and criminal litigation. Expert has testified at trial as an expert. Valuation…