Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Representing Manufacturers, Representative Agreements, Distribution, Distributor Agreements, etc.
For several years, expert managed all sales and marketing activities throughout Asia-Pacific for an American semiconductor company. Upon his entry into the Asian market, his company had a sales presence in Japan and Hong Kong. He created a sales and…

Business Development and Expansion
Expert has over 30 years of progressive business experience, including small businesses to multinational organizations, and has been intimately involved in Marketing, Human Resources, Training and Development, Operations, and Finance. His experience is well rounded and balanced, and he has…

Marketing: Lost Sales-Profit, IP, Distributors-Agents, Marketing Effectiveness, Expert Witness, etc.
Expert is a nationally known expert in marketing and sales gained through 40+ years as an executive, consultant, instructor and Cornell MBA faculty. He has been an executive with Fortune 500 companies, part-time faculty with Cornell Graduate School of Management…

Diaper Industry, Diaper Design, Diaper Testing, and Diaper Machine Appraisals
Expert has audited diaper factories in four continents and has helped clients in more than 31 countries by providing feedback on how to optimize the absorbent core and the diaper overall performance to minimize cost and at the same time…

Forensic Electrical Electronic Engineering, Fire Investigations, Patent Infringement, Reverse Engineering, and Failure Analysis
Expert has worked in electronic forensics and patent infringement analysis. He specializes in all types of electronic devices, systems and products. Expert is a registered Electrical PE in the following states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia,…

Hedge Funds, Investments, Options, Securities Valuation, and Asset Management
Expert has spent 15 years performing competitive analysis in order to evaluate the merits of public company as investments. This included competitive analysis and gathering competitive intelligence from competitors, suppliers, customers and industry experts. He also benchmarked competitors as part…

Forensic Engineering, Failure Analysis, Metallurgy, Corrosion, Slip and Fall, Mechanical Design, R&D
Expert is a registered & Board-Certified Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, with 74 publications, 23 Invited Talks and Lectures, and 27+ years of experience in engineering R&D in industry and academia, Consulting, and Expert Witness Litigation Support including…

Software Disputes, Internet Technology, Telecommunications, Patent Litigation
He has managed the development of application software for multiple industries including Telecommunications, Publishing, Utilities, Banking / Financial, Healthcare, and Manufacturing. Expert for Software Dispute litigation includes: -CBSI v. Sempra Energy (Telecom software dispute) -Scient v. PointServer (eCommerce softwrae dispute)…

Trademark, Trade Dress, Advertising, Claim Substantiation and Legal Survey Research
Expert in Survey Research, focusing on surveys for use as evidence in legal disputes as well as custom market research projects. He has conducted and analyzed over 400 surveys in various areas, including Trademark and Trade Dress (likelihood of confusion,…

Internet Patents, Trademarks, Pay-Per-Click, Defamation, eCommerce, Search Engine Optimization, and Web Site Development
Expert's online experience is extensive, dating back to 1984. He was the founder of an e-business service provider, funded by one of the world's largest venture-capital firm; the founder of a publishing company, selling books online in 1997; the VP…