Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Machine Learning, Statistics, Probability, Computer Vision, Thermal Vision, 3D Reconstruction
Expert has applied various machine learning, computer vision, image/video processing to many application areas like computer lie detector, thermal video tracking, rare-event detection and pattern analysis. Expert has come ftrom an engineering background (B.Eng Communications Eng.) and did his PhD…
LEDs for Solid-State Lighting, LCD Optoelectronics & LED BLUs, Mono- & Poly-Crystalline PVs
Experience and knowledge runs the gamut of these technologies: from epitaxial wafers; to die fabrication and testing; to micro-electronic packaging (including photo-conversion), modular integration and assembly (includes photo-initiation, photo-catalyzation and other system level knowledge). In-depth materials, process and various design…
Life Science, Biotech, Pharmaceuticals: Research and Development, Smart Manufacturing/ Supply Chain, and Market Launch/ Commercialization
Expert has over 20 years of experience in strategic innovation, system building, and delivering value solutions for global markets. His focus is on building infrastructure synergies between science, technology, and finance. As a Strategic Advisor, he has experience with: •…
Neurology, Headache, Unexplained Neurological Symptoms, Sleep / RLS, Parkinsons, MS, MRI
Consultant neurologist running service for severe and refractory headache disorders. General neurology clinics. Parkinsons disease clinic (president local PD Association). Clinical and research interests predominantly in headache disorders and non-headache manifestations / comorbidity (eg RLS, ME, fibromyalgia, vertigo, mood disorder,…
Expert has in-depth international expertise gained across three continents in the evaluation of occupational, functional and cognitive capacity following brain injury and other illnesses (e.g. neurological, psychiatric) related to neuropsycholgical functioning (including discreet events such as stroke, progressive events such…
Cognitive Psychology
Expert has been engaged in full-time university employment since 1984. Initially his posts were fixed term research posts in the experimental study of visual cognition - speeded visual search, visual word recognition, visual shape and object recognition. Since 1988 he…
Radiology of Paediatric Skeletal Disorders, including Metabolic Disease, Dysplasias and Child Abuse
Expert has been a certified pediatric radiologist with the Royal College of Radiologists for just under six years. For five of those, she worked as a Consultant Radiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK. She is currently…
3D Digital Architectural Modeling, Building and Urban Data Visualisation, CAD Software Development
Expert's current research focuses on innovative approaches to digital modelling of built environment using Web based open source technologies capable of playing proactive roles in large scale cross-disciplinary research programmes such as Digital Economy, Digital Agenda, Digital Cultural Heritage, and…
Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, IP, Biology, Patents, Molecular Biology, BD
Expert has a Ph.D and two postdocs in Physiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics. B.S in Chemistry/Biochemistry. Over 25 years of experience (at an executive level and as a consultant) in the Life Sciences industry. Founder and President of a life…
Analysis, FEA, CFD, Medical Devices, Heat Transfer, Elastomers, Diffusion, Solar, Coupled Systems
Real invention and innovation most often springs from cross-fertilization and analogies from broad experience, quite apart from an entire career in a narrow field. See, for instance, Holyak and Thagard, "Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought". Expert is a broad…