Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Government Contracts, Claims, Procurement, and Construction Means and Methods
Expert's expertise stems from twenty years in the Corps of Engineers managing projects from $250K to over $600M overseas and domestically on offices, cantonement areas, major bases and major infrastructure projects. He spent ten years researching and teaching all aspects…

Highway Construction, Construction Claims, Civil Engineering Contracts, Asphalts
Expert has extensive experience in the design and maintenance of major highways and construction contracts. Expert is an acknowledged expert in pavement design, the performance of asphalts, highway defects, construction claims and dispute resolution. He has edited and contributed to…

Collision Investigation, Tachograph Analysis, Engineering Investigation, Commercial Vehicles
Recently Expert found that it was necessary to challenge the decision of the Magistrates Courts concerning their behaviour towards him as an expert in court. This matter was heard in the High Courts, Central London and found in him favour.…

Corrosion of Metals and Aging of Nonmetals
Working in major corporations, the Expert has over thirty years experience in research and engineering relative to the corrosion of bare and coated metals, and the deterioration of nonmetallics. He has developed alloys and engineered designs to prevent the corrosion…

Construction Contract Dispute Resolution
Today, Expert is a specialist in the negotiation and resolution of construction claims and disputes. He is also an expert witness, mediator, arbitrator and forensic engineering consultant. However, He started out working as a Construction Engineer back in 1965. He…

Highway and Rail Accident Reconstruction and Forensic Analysis of Construction
Expert has applied his academic training and traffic and transportation engineering design background to accident reconstruction in a number of cases. He has developed construction drawings, specification and cost estimates for a number of highway projects including maintenance of traffic…

Lubricants, Asphalt Products, and Applications
A career of over 31 years in Research and Development of petroleum products has required numerous field testing of new ideas and new products that Expert was responsible for developing, formulating and implementing. Designing a field test is perhaps a…