Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 731555 Canada

Hazardous Area Classification, Flammable Gas and Combustible Dusts

Expert is a subject matter expert in hazardous area classification design and hazardous location product development and installation. He has experience in both NEC division and IEC zone methods of hazardous area classification. He has developed several industry recognized training…

ID: 731294 Ohio, USA

Geosciences, Nuclear Waste (Glass), Plate Tectonics, Igneous Geology, Faults, Earthquake Hazards

Expert is an Instructor at a University in the Geology Department. She has taught at seven other universities and have held three postdoctoral fellowships/research positions. She is an igneous petrologist, analytical geochemist, genetic mineralogist and field geologist: She uses petrology…

ID: 731017 North Carolina, USA

Soil Properties,Stormwater and Flooding, Waste Management, Landfilling, Groundwater, Coal Ash, fly Ash landfills, Hazardous Waste

Expert has a Ph.D. and over 90 publications in specialized areas. He has carried out expert consulting, research, and provided expert advisory services. He was hired by a legal firm to provide expert assessment of flooding that resulted due to…

ID: 730672 Wisconsin, USA

Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering: Solid, Hazardous, and Radioactive Waste; Landfill; Mining; and Water

Expert has been practicing and conducting research in the solid waste industry for 25 years and has established himself as one of the worldwide leaders in landfill containment systems. He possesses particular expertise in lining systems, cover systems, odor management,…

ID: 730593 Louisiana, USA

Chemical Manufacturing, Process Hazards Analysis, Hydrogen Chloride, Cl2, troubleshooting

Expert has worked hands-on with most equipment and process technology used in the chemical industry. Reaction, purification, environmental discharge prevention, adsorption, absorbtion, are but a few areas of his expertise. He has also designed facilities for most common means of…

ID: 730073 Florida, USA

Hazardous Materials, Retrospective Toxic Chemical Exposure Assessment, Mold, Hazard Communication

Results oriented environmental scientist with over 35 years of experience providing consultation and litigation support in the fields of, industrial hygiene, retrospective toxic exposure assessment, indoor air quality, indoor mold contamination, hazardous consumer and industrial products, chemical hazard communication, labeling…

ID: 729740 Canada

Hazardous Locations Equipment Certifications (Intrinsically Safe), Gas Detection

Expert has 16 years of experience in designing, assessing and certifying equipment to national and international standards for intrinsically safe equipment. He has designed many intrinsically safe devices, including gas detectors, fire detectors and other systems. Applied standards include UL…

ID: 728819 Nevada, USA

OSHA, Compliance, Hazardous Materials, Construction Accidents, Emergency Response

Expert has over 22 years of Safety Engineering, including radiological safety, general industry and construction safety. Application of OSHA principals and standards. He instructed college students in Occupational Safety and Health. Past Certifications include, Certified Safety Manager (WSO), Certified Hazardous…

ID: 728735 United Kingdom

Chemical Plant Safety Services, Hazard Studies, SIL, Risk Assessment, DSEAR, Water Hammer

Expert's main area of interest is chemical plant and process safety. He has led HazOp [Hazard and Operability] studies on many plants from large scale, high hazard plants using well-established technology (e.g. manufacture of hydrogen fluoride, high density polyethylene, etc)…

ID: 728655 United Kingdom

Process Safety, Risk Assessment/Management Major Accident Risks, Hazards and Land Use Planning

Process Safety has been the main focus of Expert's work as he seeks to assist companies avoid accidents completely (by eliminating hazardous materials or processes) or prevent them through providing protection (containment or control). In some circumstances the only available…

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