Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Business Mentor and Patent Management Specializing Electronic Assembly (SMT, FPT, Heterogeneous) and Semiconductor Packaging
Expert is internationally renowned in the field of fine-pitch, chip scale, wafer level, and general surface mount electronic design and assembly. He is credited with founding the first U.S. based surface mount technology (SMT) contract design and assembly foundry and…
Protein Gelation and Texture; Muscle Foods and Ingredients
Expert's (pronounced La-neer, or "Tie'-ree") is an expert in surimi manufacturing and surimi products, including species, process/handling effects, and additive ingredient effects on gelling properties of surimi. Cryoprotection of muscle proteins and protein recovery during manufacturing are two recent emphases.…
Wood Design, Wood Performance
WOOD. Expert is an expert on wood, how it grows, is processed, and used. He studies the ecology of trees including tree growth, structure, and property relationships. Expert is an authority on the philosophy and economics of tree use as…
Sol-Gel Processing
The overall focus of Expert's activities is the synthesis and processing of ceramics and glasses using the sol-gel process. She edited the first volume on the applications of this process, which established the technological basis for further developments. She also…
Laser Physics and Applications
Expert has over 45 years of extensive experience in the design, modeling, fabrication, and operation of lasers, using them for measurements and other applications and with laser safety. He is familiar with all types of lasers including excimer lasers, Nd:YAG,…
Product Design, Innovation
Expert has expertise in all aspects of new product design and development. He has been involved in the inception of graduate product design programs at both MIT and Texas A&M University and has extensive consulting experience with both small and…
Surface Mount Solders
Expert has extensive expert witness experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. Core Expertise Areas: • Expert witness- extensive experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. • Intellectual property - management and dispute resolution…
Petroleum Production Engineer
ACIDIZING. Dr. A. Expert has been conducting research on oil well acidizing for the past 20 years. He has emphasized experimental and theoretical modeling of this process of flow with reaction in porous media. Expertmajor result of his work has…
Nondestructive Testing
For over 50 years, Expert has been actively engaged in the technology of nondestructive testing. During that period, he has covered a wide range of industries and applications. His long-term affiliations with various technical societies have developed into a valuable…
Food Engineering/Crystallization
Expert has been studying crystallization processes for the past 16 years with an emphasis on crystallization in foods. His current emphasis involves controlling crystallization (either promoting or preventing) of sugars, ice, and fats. This research involves both basic aspects of…