Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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On-Line Near Infrared Process Analysis, Chemometrics Analysis, and Applied Spectroscopy
ON-LINE PROCESS ANALYSIS. Expert pioneered the development and use of on-line near infrared (NIR) process analysis for refinery and chemicals process monitoring at Exxon. His designs are the basis for a commercially available system and have been instrumental in products…

Electronic Material Processing, Chemical-Physical Analysis, Device Modeling, Biomedical Sensors
Expert has over thirty years experience in the design, micro-fabrication, analysis and modeling of electronic devices, transistors, and sensor arrays. He has extensive experience with the advanced processes for device fabrication: depositing the metal electrode and contact layers by sputtering,…

Mineralogy, Metamorphic Petrology, Zeolite Technology, Clays, Enviromental Sciences
Mr. Ríos has developed several research and teaching activities on geology topics. He has participated in several field works on crystalline basement complexes in different areas of Colombia, which have contributed to improved understanding of the geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution…

Metabolomics, Mass Spectrometry and Plant Pathology
Expert has developed expertise in metabolic reprogramming during susceptible and resistant interactions of Magnaporthe grisea with host plants, Brachypodium distachyon and rice as well as abiotic stress resistance in plants such as drought or cold tolerance. Such systems present many…

Spectroscopic Study of Compounds in Solutions, Solids, Interfaces, Catalysis, Nanomaterials
Expert has used his scientific knowledge and experimental skills in studding organic and inorganic compounds in solutions and solid states, formation the surface compounds in solid-gas interfaces (heterogeneous catalysis) and water-organic interfaces (reverse micelles), proton behavior in solid and liquid…

Drug Development (Small Molecules, Peptides, Biologics, Parenteral Nanoparticles); Drug Delivery
Expert is an expert in analytical instrumentation and analytical methods development and validation, especially for drug regulatory filings with the FDA and EMEA according to all FDA and ICH guidelines. He established a state-of-art core instrument department at Altus Pharmaceuticals…

Controlled Substances, Blood/Breath Alcohol, Urine Drug Screen Issues, Chain of Custody, Chemistry
Expert has been involved in forensic science since 1976. He has testified over 1000 as an expert in drug identification for the prosecution over 1000 times while with the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement Crime Laboratory. In addition, he was…

Analytical Optical Spectroscopy, Chemometrics, Petroleum, Polymorphs and Diagnostics
Expert has taught courses and performed investigations in many areas of analytical chemistry including analytical spectroscopy, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, computer programming methods, algorithm developments and instrument developments. The primary goal of his research is to develop practical analytical instrumentation…

Valuation Testing Identification Analysis of Diamonds, Gemstones Jewellery & Silver Watches
2009-2013 Expert has recently successfully completed a PhD research project funded by The University of St Andrews and The Diamond Light source the UK's national synchrotron facility. The research involved the development of new spectroscopic techniques for use within the…

Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Product Development, Formulation and Stabilization Technology
Expert has fifteen years of experience in product development, formulation development, and drug delivery for pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries. She has thoroughly developed skills in research planning, product formulation, and analytical problem solving. Expert has expertise in the fields of…