Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Food Science, Beverages and Nutrition
Expert has over 23 years experience in food science especially beverages, having worked as a research scientist and project manager for leading FMCG companies such as GlaxoSmithKline (20 years) and Rank Hovis McDougall. He now works as a consultant for…

Semiconductors, Silicon Metal Purification, Separations of Biomolecules, and Siloxane Chemistry
Expert has been involved in scientific research and technology for over 35 years. He has authored 7 journal articles, over 15 lectures and nearly 50 patents. He has worked in classical R&D laboratories, Process Engineering units and large Manufacturing plants…

Water Pollution, Fish Kills, EIAs and Ecological Surveys of Rivers, Estuaries and Coastal Waters
Expert is an expert in aquatic biology and aquatic chemistry, and has been working in these fields since 1978. His PhD was on the impact of industrial and sewage discharges on estuarine ecology and sediment contamination. He works in freshwater,…

Food, Confectionery and Pharmafoods Technology
Expert has over 35 years of industrial experience in product development, quality systems, food regulatory, allergen management, contract manufacturing, packaging, product labeling, educational training, food safety and food security. He began his career in food consulting while in graduate school,…

Food Analysis, Flavor, Off-Flavor, Dairy Products, Wine and Beer, and Trace Volatile Analysis
Expert C. Expert is a full-time professor at a major university. His research areas are focused on flavor chemistry, volatile analysis, flavor and off-flavor of food and beverages. He has expertise in flavor and off-flavor in a wide range of…

Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation for the Production of Fine Chemicals
Expert has applied his organic chemistry/heterogeneous catalysis/reaction engineering background to the development of processes for the production of pharmaceuticals, vitamins and nutraceuticals, agrochemicals, flavors and fragrances, liquid crystals and fine chemicals as well as base chemicals. He has broad experience…

Savoury Flavours, Processed Flavours, Process Design of Savoury Flavours, Food Technology
Expert has 26 years experience in Savoury flavors as a flavourist for international companies. Processed flavours, flavour topnotes, snack seasonings, clean label products, process development of extracts and the production of stocks and fonds from meat and bones are a…

Protein Structure, Biotechnology, Botany
He has expertise in plant identification, particularly nuisance waterweeds. Experience in waterweed control for duckweeds: Lemna, Wolffia, Spirodela, Landoltia and Wolffiella. He has expertise in the use of thaumatin and miraculin. Experience in purification, manipulation and storage of these flavor…

Food Product Formulation
Expert has co-developed and used fat mimetics in a wide variety of food products, specifically dairy, snack, and bakery products. He also has experience with foods such as frozen deserts, convenience foods, prepared foods, salad dressings, fillings, and dips. Expert…

Food Research, Product Development, Quality Control, QC Test Procedures, and Training in Food QC
DURUM WHEAT QUALITY; DURUM WHEAT MILLING; HIGH QUALITY WHEAT PRODUCTION. Expert developed a comprehensive method for grading durum wheat varieties. This method was successfully adopted to develop a superior durum wheat for producing high-quality pasta in commercial pasta plants. Expert's…