Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Regulatory Affairs, Technology Management, Pharmaceutical Industry, Turnaround Management
Expert has experience in applying 21 CFR Part 11 to the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and preparing and facing FDA inspections. He has more than 20 years of experience in various facets of API industry ranging from research to manufacturing, projects,…

Telecommunications, Wireless Communications, Fiber Optics, Construction Contracts
Expert has designed multiple unlicensed Wi-Fi networks utilizing both 802.11x and 802.16x technologies utilizing unlicensed frequencies. The networks are fixed wireless systems capable of voice or VoIP and data transmission. He has engineered, tested and performed troublshooting procedures on multiple…

Apparel Production, Off-Shore Sourcing, Modular Manufacturing, Building Management Organizations
Expert's background includes a successful history of executive-level experience and achievements in the apparel manufacturing business specializing in men's and women's work, casual, sporting, and dress pants. He played a key leadership role in directing the conversion of several plants…

Satellite Communications Systems Consulting; Engineering, Project Management
Expert has spent over 40 years in the satellite communications industry, working with communications satellites and the communications networks they support. He has been a communications technician at satellite teleports, a field manager managing satellite communications operations, and a principal…

Automotive Industry Lean Manufacturing
He has set up new automotive part supplier factories in Thailand and China. He has hired and trained the main plant staff members in each of these factories in areas that include plant quality control, quality systems, inventory control, quick…

Titanium and Titanium Alloy Applications, High-Strength Weldable Titanium Alloys, Hot Rolls, etc.
He took part in the development of high strength weldable titanium alloys for sea water application, Ti-Ni shape memory alloys for tube connections and vessel sealings, technology of hot processing and surface improvement of titanium alloys, application of titanium for…

Metallurgical Engineering, Corrosion Engineering, Marine & Pipeline Corrosion, Cathodic Protection
Expert has performed research in aqueous corrosion, primarily in seawater. He has provided assistance in the design of equipment and facilities exposed to aqueous environments, including seawater, freshwater, potable water and wastewater. As seawater contains substantial amount of chloride, this…

CDR and Reconstruction, Defective Industrial Equipment/Processes, Product Development, Manufacturability and Launch
Expert has been performing insurance and forensic loss type Contractor work since 1996. Starting as a sole proprietorship with automotive warranties, but was capitalized on by a forensic engineering company for inherent knowledge and experience of industrial process and product…

Food Technology, Grain Processing, Edible Oils, Feasibility Studies, Project Appraisal
Mr. K.L. Expert has eight years of (1.5 years in private and 6.5 years in public sector organizations) experience as a research and Development Scientist. Designing and setting up a laboratory for testing of fire proof plywood. Process Development for…

Economics and Finance: Damage & Loss Analysis, Econometrics, Churning, Antitrust, AAA, NYSE, NASDAQ
He has conducted basic as well as applied research in areas of antitrust including horizontal price fixing, mergers and damages. In the area of unlawful price fixing, pursuant to Section 1 of the Sherman Act, he has carried out an…