Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Plastics, Specializing In Polyethylene Film
Experienced Vice President of Film Technology and Operations with demonstrated major accomplishments in rotary stretch and stretch hood films in concert with extrusion and wrapping machinery. Strong operations professional skilled in Product Development, Research and Development (R&D), Operations Management, Process…

Molecular Diagnostics, Drug Discovery, Medicinal Chemistry, Microbial Biofilm Biology
Expert has contributed to several different fields of science with one central goal of combating infectious diseases using novel pathways and methods. His most significant contribution is the development of the most potent inhibitor to the stringent response activating the…

Process Science, Process Equipment and Thin Films Material Characterization for PVD Poly-Crystal (AlN, AlScN, Mo, Ti, Al), CVD Epitaxial (Si, SiGe, GaAs, AlGaAs) and PECVD Amorphous Dielectrics.
Engineer with a strong background in semiconductor materials, characterization, and process. Experienced compound materials, HEMPT, and solar cell development, manufacturing, and reliability. Strong background in epitaxial materials growth, device failure analysis, and process troubleshooting with hands-on most of the epitaxial…

Thin Films, PVD, Magnetron Sputtering, Reactive Sputtering
Expert received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Radio-Engineering University (Ryazan, Russia) and his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the Institute of High-Current Electronics (Tomsk, Russia). Expert has four decades of wide-ranging Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) experience, particularly in reactive…

Film and Television: Producing, Writing, and Direction
Experienced Director, Producer, Writer of movies and television. Expert is a director, writer, and producer who tries to make films with humanity, heart, and humor. In 2020 he is in post-production on his latest directorial effort. He is also executive…

Semiconductor Back End of Line Processes, Process and Thin Films Characterization, Film Stresses and Reliability. PVD, ALD, CVD, HiPIMS
Back-End-of Line (BEOL) Integration in SRAM, Spin-Torque, Resistive Random Access Memory. PVD, CVD and ALD thin film deposition. Film micro-structure and properties. Stress-related problems in BEOL. DC, RF and HiPIMS sputter deposition. Arc evaporation. Plasma-Surface interactions. 13 years academic experience…

Thin Film Science, Magnetron Sputtering
Academic, R&D and industrial production experience of 20+ years in thin films: deposition (mostly magnetron sputtering, roll-to-roll R2R), in-situ/ex-situ characterization, mechanics (stress, delamination, cracking), optical properties, post-treatment. Senior engineer in the field of thin films and nanostructures I have accumulated…

Television, Broadcast, Feature Film, Motion Pictures, TV, Editing, Post-Production
Expert has been working in the field of Broadcast Communications since the early 1980s. He has written six books, including the first book ever written on the topic of color correction. He has also written numerous articles for the top…

Piezoelectric Film and Materials Manufacturing
Expert was involved in the startup of piezoelectric film and materials business. As a manufacturing engineer, he advanced the process from a lab type piecework operation to large-scale continuous manufacturing. As a key team member, Expert designed and developed equipment…

Entertainment Content (Films/TV) Production, Distribution & Finance, Traditional & New Media Assets
Expert is a Principal at a Media Entertainment company, with 40+ years of experience in Film/TV Content businesses. Expert has been engaged over many years by more than 25 Clients, with over 50 different Entertainment Properties. Prior thereto Expert has…