Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Capital Markets, Derivatives, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets
Expert is a Consultant, Manager, and Trader with 30+ years of experience in a variety of markets in New York, Frankfurt, London, Gibraltar, Madrid, and Chicago. He has extensive cryptocurrency interaction on numerous blockchains, and has been working exclusively with…

Food and Agriculture
A consultant in agriculture engineering, Expert holds a diploma in Business Management and an MBA in Finance. He is a seasoned professional with over 29 years' experience in senior management roles -- CEO, MD, and COO -- in agriculture and…

Construction and Building expert witness
Expert is a Chicago-based trained architect with 45 years' experience in an extremely wide variety of building types and technology. He has worked on historic structures and in the renovation and rehab of landmark properties. Expert's significant career history includes…

Rubber Plantation sector: Seeds to Sheet
Expert, a retired project coordinator of Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. He has earned a B.Sc. (honours) degree from Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta (1969), M.Sc. in Agriculture from…

IT Solutions: On-Premise and in the Cloud
Expert has 10+ years of experience leading technical teams and designing multi-million dollars IT solutions on-premise and in the cloud. He has led his company's cloud and digital transformation, and is experienced with various security standards and certifications such as…

Evolving Market Dynamics and Formulating Strategy; Business Objectives: Technology/ Integration (APPS, CRM, Bots, AI & IOT Use)
Projects head at a Japan group entity. While working on machinery linked to construction equipment, railway equipment, agricultural implements, and drones-linked AI & IoT solutions in India and internationally. As projects head, Expert has been involved in Strategic business growth,…

Engineering, Construction and Contract Management
Contracts Manager / Projects Director with experience as Engineering Expert Witness at the Ministry of Justice and Abu Dhabi Judicial Department – UAE. Over 35 years of construction and contract management experienced in Airports, Hospitals, Hotels and Residential buildings. This…

Global Sales, Digital Transformation, Emerging AI Technologies, Big Data, Analytics, AI Solutions
Nearly 3 decades of experience within the enterprise data and software arena. Specializes in big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies such as IOT and blockchain. - A Proven Enterprise Technology Growth Leader - Big Data Analytics &…

Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup
Executive summary: Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning…

Business Development, Strategy; International
Expert is an investor and advisor. He currently works with 4 startups: (1) Developing a mobility data marketplace, (2) An agtech and cUAS company using Lidar and ML for insect and drone identification, with a focus on greenhouses, vertical farms,…