Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724798 Minnesota, USA

Electronic Enclosure Product Development Including Mechanical, Electrical, and Industrial Design

Expert has applied his mechanical engineering background to provide innovative mechanically sound solutions to difficult engineering problems. He understands the need to design for manufacturability (DFM) and design for assembly (DFA) and implements cost effective designs into each project. He…

ID: 724736 Kentucky, USA

Pediatrics: Anesthesia, Ambulatory Surgery, Analgesia, Pain Management, Analgesic Drug Development

Expert is the former Chief of the Pediatric Pain Service at the Arkansas Children's Hospital and has written about the subject in professional journals. He has twenty years of experience in the management of pain in adults and children. He…

ID: 724714 Colorado, USA

Automotive Safety (ABS, etc.), Radar (FAA, USAF, etc.), Computer Peripherals, Technology Assessment

Was responsible for developing earliest ABS brakes, as well as audible back-up systems, and had conducted over 100 simulated crash tests. Managed for DEC the Corporate office for technology assessment and introduction. For Kelsey Hase reviewed both European and Domestic…

ID: 724593 Texas, USA

Thermal Analysis, Finite Element, SINDA

All models start from simple schematic models. The simple model has as few nodes as possible in order to capture important features and gain insight. Complexity is added to the models until the desired refinement and accuracy is obtained. The…

ID: 724252 Connecticut, USA

HVAC Design, DDC Control, Fluid Dynamics, Constructability

He has over 30 years experience in the design, installation and service of all type of air conditioning systems including DX, centrifugal and absorption machines. He possess EPA Universal Certification to purchase and use freon type refrigerants He has the…

ID: 724120 Virginia, USA

Airplane and Helicopter Research, Design and Analysis

During the latter part of his tenure at NASA Langley, Expert served as the Assistant Branch Head of the Subsonic Aerodynamics Branch, and was the only Army researcher ever to serve in a NASA management position. He was principally responsible…

ID: 723996 Maryland, USA

Operational Streamlining, Organizational Transformation, Program Management, and Technology Integration

Expert has extensive experience in Software Project Management of over 20 years in federal and commercial sectors. He has managed projects involving application development, system integration that required integration of commercial software products (COTS) with application code, software conversion, and…

ID: 723977 Maryland, USA

Pediatrics and Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Over two decades experience in academic and clinical pediatrics. General pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency medicine, Outpatient and Primary Care Pediatrics; Pediatric Trauma; Expert has identified the following as a detailed list of expertise, specialties and interests in the medical field of…

ID: 723789 India

Electronic Equipment, Microcontroller, DSP, Interfacing, VOIP, RF communication, Software (VB/ VC++)

Expert has developed many circuits based on analog/digital inputs and outputs. For example, an RTD changes its resistance depending upon the temperature. This resistor value is converted to a voltage signal in analog form and then sent to a comparator…

ID: 723779 Louisiana, USA

Security, Premises Liability, Risk Analysis, Adequacy, Crime Foreseeability

Expert has 35 years of experience in security and 25 as a forensic consultant (55% plaintiff, 45% defense) for private, commercial, industrial, educational, health care, government sites in premises liability, negligence, adequacy of security, etc. He has always bee court-qualified…

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