Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 731295 New Hampshire, USA

Soil Chemistry

Expert has 30 years experience in teaching, research, and guiding graduate students. His Soil Chemistry course attracted students from a variety of disciplines. The majority of Expert's research has been oriented toward soil impacts on environmental problems, and in most…

ID: 731238 Alabama, USA

Large Animal pharmacology/pharmacokinetics, Sterile products,GMP,Product Development, Safety and ID

Expert has training is antimicrobial monitoring and reporting to Blue Cross/Blue Shield of hospital infectious diseases. She is an occupational safety officer for laboratory animal programs and a pharmacy safety instructor. She has completed GMP training to include auditing in…

ID: 731217 California, USA

Water Resources Engineering, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Floods, Drainage and Stormwater Management

Expert, P.E., D.WRE works in hydrology and water engineering. He helps to analyze flooding, dams, sewers and any water related field. He is an expert in, and testifies on, the hydrology of flood events and the hydraulics of storm water,…

ID: 731199 California, USA

Air Medical, Critical Care, Trauma, Emergency Medicine, RN

Expert has worked as a nurse in critical care, emergency and trauma for the past 20 years. For 17 of the 20 years, she has been in transport nursing. She has been a flight nurse for 15 years. A definitive…

ID: 731189 California, USA

Retail Gas Station Operations, Convenience Store Operations, Gasoline Pricing, Franchising

As President of an LLC and Vice President of Retail Operations, he had responsibility for retail gasoline sales and ampm operations worldwide, consisting of the C-Store business with 700 franchisees, 3000 convenience stores, and $3 billion in revenue. Expert, through…

ID: 731175 Tennessee, USA

Forensic & Diagnostic Architecture: Construction Defects, Design Error & Omission, Condition Assessment & Performance Testing

Expert is an AIA Emeritus Architect with Bachelor and Master of Architecture degrees from the Tulane University School of Architecture. He has over 50 years of experience with project planning, building design, construction contract production administration & management, property condition…

ID: 731128 Georgia, USA

Pediatric Cardiac and Adult Congenital Cardiac Surgery, ECMO, Congenital Heart Disease

Expert is a congenital cardiac surgeon who has a large experience in the treatment of children and adults with congenital heart disease. While his experience includes all types of congenital heart disease and has written numerous papers on almost the…

ID: 731097 Michigan, USA

Purchasing, Strategic Sourcing, Chemicals and Plastics

Expert has been a Principal at Employer since 2012. In that capacity, he assists diverse client companies worldwide to improve their purchasing operations and achieve outstanding business results. He also provides data-driven market analysis to strengthen clients’ decision-making; this analysis…

ID: 731096 New York, USA

Leadership, Management, Product/Mfg. Engineering, Energy, Fuel Cells, Fuels/Infrastructure

Expert was previously the Director responsible for the global deployment of advanced technology vehicle fleet projects at General Motors. He led the deployment of the Chevrolet Electric Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCEV) Fleet. He led the FCEV “Project Driveway” and the…

ID: 731024 West Virginia, USA

Bridge Design, LS-DYNA, Concrete Pavements, Road Smoothness, Structural Analysis, Failure Analysis

Professional Structural Engineer with over 20 years of academic and consulting experience in the structural analysis, design, long-term monitoring, and condition assessment of highway bridges and pavement structures. Experience is also extended to the design and construction of water-front structures,…

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