Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Safety (falls, heavy equipment, cranes) and Industrial Hygiene (toxic exposure)
Expert L. Expert was first certified as an IH in 1979 while with OSHA. Spent 8 years with OSHA and field directed IH and safety investigations in Nebraska, Iowa and Texas. Primarily area: Refineries and Chemical facilities in the Houston…
Environmental Data Analysis, Time Series, Geostatistics, Pollutant Exposure, Water and Wastewater
During the past 32 years Expert has developed and applied time series and geo-statistical models to environmental quality and hydrologic data. Research and educational experiences include the development and teaching of graduate level engineering courses on this topic and the…
Hazardous Materials, Retrospective Toxic Chemical Exposure Assessment, Mold, Hazard Communication
Results oriented environmental scientist with over 35 years of experience providing consultation and litigation support in the fields of, industrial hygiene, retrospective toxic exposure assessment, indoor air quality, indoor mold contamination, hazardous consumer and industrial products, chemical hazard communication, labeling…
Environmental Exposure Assessment and Risk Assessment; Soil, Water, and Air Chemical Fate and Transport
Expert has over 25 years’ experience conducting environmental investigations and risk assessments for evaluating impacts to human health, property, and ecological receptors. His expertise focuses on the fate and transport of environmental contaminants, human health risk, exposure assessment, and ecological…
ENT/Otolaryngology, Noise Exposure Damage, SNHL, Sudden SNHL, General Practice and Otolaryngology
Expert had extensive experience preparing medical reports since 2000 receiving instructions from solicitors, insurance companies and reporting agencies. He is an expert in personal injury including road traffic accidents, injuries at workplace, disability assessment and medical errors/malpractice. He typically undertakes…
Chemical Patents, Air Bags, Product Contamination, Fires and Explosions, Chemical Exposure
Expert has been retained by plaintiff, defense and state Attorney General attorneys to investigate and provide expert opinions, expert reports, depositions, Daubert, Grand Jury & trial testimony for 91 air bag cases filed in Federal and State courts in 19…
Fire, Explosion, Toxic releases, Chemical hazards, Chemical exposure, Risk assessment, Air pollution
Expert has investigated many process related industrial accidents (fire, explosion, toxic release etc), the best known of which was Buncefield, where he was one of two external experts relied on by the owners of the facility to assist with root…
Mold Allergy, Water Damage Exposure, Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.
Expert is a board-certified allergist-immunologist and has been retained as a medical expert witness in nearly 300 cases involving adverse health effects from water damage and mold exposure. He has also testified in at least 6 trials related to these…
Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Household Chemicals, Hazardous Materials, Aerosols, Paint, Coatings, Labels and Warnings, Chemical Exposure, and Chemical Accidents
Chemical expert who specializes in household chemical products, industrial chemicals, chemical exposure, chemical accidents, paint and coatings, aerosols, labels and warnings, laboratory testing & analysis. Consulting in chemical area multiple times. He is an experienced expert witness, and has testified…
Allergy/Immunology/Asthma & Devices; Pediatrics; Adverse Effects of Mold Exposure; Clinical Research
Expert has served as an expert witness over the last 10 years in over 50 or so medical legal cases involving alleged mold-related allergy and injury. As a board-certified allergist-immunologist, he has proven to be very helpful in assisting in…