Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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HVAC Design and Manufacture
Expert evolved from a career in product design to manufacturing engineering. Several opportunities developed in start-up operations and relocation of total facilities. The largest task was the relocation of a Carrier Transicold plant from California to Georgia. This was a…
Grinding Processes and Technology, Power Tool Accessories Testing and Manufacture
52100 steel is the primary material used for standard bearings and automotive products that act as raceway materials. It is also common to use the material for bearing balls. The expert has extensive experience grinding the hardened form of this…
Vibration Acoustics and Related Dynamics Domain
Expert’s firm was established in the year 2001, in this short time span, the company has earned itself a recognized position with many industries & institutions by catering to various needs of Noise, Vibration and related Dynamics. Initially, operations were…
Lubricants, Asphalt Products, and Applications
A career of over 31 years in Research and Development of petroleum products has required numerous field testing of new ideas and new products that Expert was responsible for developing, formulating and implementing. Designing a field test is perhaps a…
Titanium & Aluminum Anodize, All Plating and Finishing
Expert is an inventor with the following: USPTO Patents Awarded: Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) USPTO Patents Pending: App. No. (Undisclosed) App. No. (Undisclosed) Expert has thirty-five years of Working and Consulting in Electrochemical Engineering, Chemistry…
Surface Texture and Operational Characteristics of Machines
The expert is most experienced in the subset of surface science related to mathematics and mechanics of surface irregularities on micro- and macro scales and their contact interaction. In addition he has experience in the field of surface metrology and…
Thermal Systems, New Product Development, Finite Element Analysis
Expert managed a concurrent engineering team that designed and developed the world's first commercial scroll refrigerant compressor. He was responsible for developing the compressor design, manufacturing processes and production implementation of those processes. The compressor was a commercial success, meeting…
Applied Rubber Technology, Design of Experiments, and Training in Both
The primary rubber-forming process he works in is molding, including compression, transfer, and injection methods. His experience with molded products is broad, including automotive weather strip, milking inflations, various types of vibration mounts, seals, diaphragms, aerospace components, vehicle tracks, and…
Sensing & Measurements, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, & Thermal & Optical Technology
Expert received his Ph.D. in condensed-matter physics. He used quantum mechanics and Surface Green Function techniques to calculate electronic states and electronic bands at metallic superlattices, discovering, for example, the existence--under determined conditions-of the so-called Fermi beaches with high density…
Mechanical and Electrical Design and Failure Analysis
Expert has over 35 years of experience in failure analysis, design, damage mechanics (corrosion, fracture, fatigue, creep, etc.) and risk assessment of: structures; cable structures and systems; stadium roofs; industrial equipment; turbines and reciprocating engines; automotive and aircraft components; offshore…