Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724682 California, USA

Patent & Copyright Infringement, Depositions & Testify, Cell Phone Tracking, GPS, Cell Tower Records

Expert has consulted for law firms in California in connection with helping them write claims that provide the best patent coverage. He helps them in avoiding infringement by devising different technical approaches and novel ways to patent ideas and designs.…

ID: 724667 United Kingdom

Energy, Gas and Diesel Engine Generators, Combined Heat and Power Distribution

Run an informal group of experts, about 160 who are attempting to devise and alternative energy strategy for the UK, Europe and the world. This involves looking at all the potential concepts, wind power, tidal power, biomass, solar power etc…

ID: 724653 California, USA

Active Applications of Solar Thermal Energy: Thermophysics, Flat Plate Collector, Solar Water Heat

For 40 years he has been working in alternative energy systems. He created the design for the photovoltaic power system of the Mariner spacecraft that went to Venus and Mercury, with tilting panels to avoid overheating close to the sun.…

ID: 724635 California, USA

Manufacturing: Design Defects, Management Errors, Factory Automation & Robotics, Holograms, Lasers

Expert has 25 years of industry experience in areas that include the manufacture of industrial lasers, the design and production of control and data collection systems for energy management, the research of alternate energy resources and systems including solar power,…

ID: 724618 North Carolina, USA

Identity and Image (Corporate Identity and Public Image) and Motivation

MTV, Hollywood's David Foster and Brian Wilson, Taiwan Trade, 300th Anniversary of the founding of St Petersburg, Russia, RosAtom, plasma waste management, bio-remediation fertilizers and carbon fiber production in the EEU, Expert has successfully designed and redesigned organizational entities domestically…

ID: 724391 India

Power Systems, Energy Management, Utilities, MIS, IT Applications, Energy Savings,Training,

He Worked at Lower Sileru Hydel Power Station (4x110 MW) for 3 years •Worked as shift in-charge for load dispatching in an optimal way •Guided the maintenance team on protection and relaying He worked as Project Manager for various power…

ID: 724359 Wisconsin, USA

Data Analysis, Physics & Astronomy, and Technical Project Management

He has designed and built electronics for spaceflight and stratospheric balloon payloads. These electronics systems have included embedded computers running real-time and Linux operating systems, data acquisition electronics, particle detector electronics, and low-speed control systems. In each case, a small…

ID: 724272 Texas, USA

International Oil and Gas Strategy, Development and Reform

Well-rounded background in strategic business development and management in all aspects of the oil and gas industry in developed, emerging and developing countries; project design and implementation, and in international crude oil and products supply and trading activities. International executive,…

ID: 724253 Florida, USA

Pump Design and Applications

Expert in the design, applications, system analysis, and trouble shooting of centrifugal, axial and mixed flow pumps and drive systems including electric motors, gear drives, engines, clutches, drive shafts, and bearings. The applications include station design, application analysis, NPSH determinations,…

ID: 723786 Texas, USA

Oil and Gas Prospect and Property Evaluation, Geologic and Reservoir Modeling, Oilfield Equipment

Expert has experience with Survey Design: gravity, magnetic, surface geochem, remote sensing, and seismic. Expert can do direct hydrocarbon indicator analysis of seismic data. Expert also has experience with Time depth analysis, calibration and conversion, Seismic forward modeling, Seismic inversion,…

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