Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical devices, Telecommunications devices and protocols, Software Development, Software Testing
Expert worked as a distinguished member of technical staff at Bell Labs in the field of test generation for complex systems. He has seven U.S. patents in the fields of testing and artificial intelligence. He co-haired several international conferences in…

CRM Billing Service Portal BSS OSS Voice Video Internet Network Mobile Wireless Ethernet IP Optical
Expert has 29 years of experience in Telecommunications and software engineering that includes direct experience with various types of mobile and fixed network equipment, technology and systems, design and development of software solutions for embedded, stand alone and distributed systems…

Internet Streaming Video and Video Communications, Protocols and Encoding Methods
With 17 years of experience in multimedia systems, Expert has applied his expertise to numerous video related fields. As a consultant to group within Toshiba developing an SoC capable of handling multimedia and graphics functions for 3G cell phones, Expert…

Technology Transfer, Technology Forecasting and Innovation, Mobile Application R&D, Wearable Systems
Expert has over 20 years of developing or leading the development of application software for both personal computers and mobile devices. He is experienced in Java, C, Smalltalk, and C++. Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Development were used in all…

Power Electronics and Electric Drives, EMI/EMC Filter, Optoelectronics, Amplifiers for Sensors
Expert has designed analog circuits such as Amplifiers, Power supply, DC-DC converter, PLL, and Motor control for Electro-optic sensors, range finders, Laser Perimeter Awareness System, Gyroscopes and Liquid Cooling Systems. Expert has strong academic background in DC-DC converters; his master…

Embedded Systems Design, Hardware and Software, Application Software
Expert has more than 16 years of experience with analog design including audio, telephony, power supplies (switching and linear), control sytems, amplifiers, and power control. He has also done digital design of microprocessor, microcontroller, logic, schematic, simulation, PLD and DSP…

Software & Communication Network Engineering
Dr. S. Expert has accumulated considerable experience doing and teaching Software Engineering. Applications he has worked on include: an IBM 2780 RJE Emulator, two different Flight Simulators, a Traffic Intersection Simulation, an Object Oriented Concurrent Tool for Simulating Communication Networks,…