Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Optimization of Compressed Air, HVAC, Pasteurizer, Refrigeration, Heat Recovery & Process Utilities
Prior to starting his company, Expert was the Director of Industrial Solutions for a Fortune 500 regional utility company. A graduate of IIT Mumbai, India and later the University of Illinois at Urbana, he was the Vice President of Engineering…

Electrostatic, Particulate and Environmental Process Development and Commercialization
After earning his PhD in solid state physics from Ohio State, Expert has centered his attention for more than 40 years on providing state-of-the-art equipment and services to enable and improve industrial operations that involve electrostatic and particulate processes. As…

Electrical Engineering, Power Distribution, Control Systems, and Instrumentation
Expert has been the President of an electric control panels manufacturing company for 30 years. His company provides custom control panels for all types of automated industries including providing design and process instrumentation systems and programmable controller systems. Projects he…

Analytical and Industrial Plasma, Space Physics, and Public Speaking
Expert L. Expert has several capabilities in applied mathematics, and can help with questions in this area. His formal education was focused on physics, applied physics, and mathematics and he has taken an advanced course in mathematical physics, complex variables,…

Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems
Expert's expertise is in the area of power electronics and utility interface issues. He has designed and developed several low-cost static power conversion topologies for several applications. He is knowledgeable in a wide range of power conversion issues including pulse…

Electronic Reliability & On-Chip ESD Protection
Expert currently works on predicting the electric breakdown of silicon dioxide gate dielectric. He is knowledgeable of the electric breakdown characteristics of silicon and air. Additionally, he has studied the effects of electric field on the reliability of semiconductor devices.…

Power Conditioning, Energy Systems
Expert research and development has been on various aspects of power conditioning, motor drives, and energy storage. His advanced studies have been in electric power systems and machines, DC current interruption, normal and superconductive magnetic energy storage, switching power converters,…

Energy-Efficient Buildings
ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS AND SYSTEMS; ENERGY ECONOMICS FOR BUILDINGS; ENERGY-EFFICIENT WATER HEATING. Most of Expert's career since 1974 has involved the analysis, development, design, and monitoring of energy-saving technologies for buildings. This work has included key systems for improving the building…