Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Piezoelectrics, Sensors, and Embedded Systems
Expert has worked with piezoelectric materials, BAW & SAW devices, their packaging, and the associated RF electronics from tens of MHz to over 1,500 MHz throughout his career. Expert's efforts have ranged from Design Engineer to Senior Management. As CTO…

Pharmaceuticals: Formulations, Injectables, Topicals, Analgesics, Pharmaceutical Analysis
CORE SKILLS Instrumentation skills. APIs/preformulation: X-ray diffraction; Raman spectroscopy; HPLC (potency, degradants, purity, linearity, accuracy, precision, LOQ, LOD) with detection via UV-Vis, fluorescence, and conductivity; content uniformity, dissolution/elution incl. sustained- and immediate release formulations, paddle wheel apparatus; forced degradation incl.…

Expert has worked on many different projects related on industrial failure analysis in automotive, aerospace, marine, army, and commercial companies. Expert has been involved in developing and supervising the failure analysis test methods and procedures, defining protocols, and investigating the…

Solid-State, Polymorphism, Cocrystals
He obtained a Chemistry degree at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) and did his PhD in Organic Chemistry working in the field of Molecular Recognition. In 2000 he joined the group of Prof. Chris Hunter at the University…

Carbides, Nitrides, SiAlON, Powder Synthesis & Processing, Ceramics Development & Fabrication
Technology: R&D + Engineering, Advanced Ceramics and Materials; Powders and Parts; Synthesis – processing – handling - transfer – ready-to-press feedstock – fabrication of parts – consolidation - finish - marketing. Development, processing and fabrication of fine and ultra fine…

Geosciences, Nuclear Waste (Glass), Plate Tectonics, Igneous Geology, Faults, Earthquake Hazards
Expert is an Instructor at a University in the Geology Department. She has taught at seven other universities and have held three postdoctoral fellowships/research positions. She is an igneous petrologist, analytical geochemist, genetic mineralogist and field geologist: She uses petrology…

Ceramic Capacitors, Piezoelectrics, Thermistors and Sensors, Ceramic Processing
Expert has a PhD in Materials from Penn State University and has authored over 80 peer-reviewed articles in the area of electronic ceramics. He is currently a Professor of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering at a major university. His work…

Mineralogy, Metamorphic Petrology, Zeolite Technology, Clays, Enviromental Sciences
Mr. Ríos has developed several research and teaching activities on geology topics. He has participated in several field works on crystalline basement complexes in different areas of Colombia, which have contributed to improved understanding of the geology and tectono-metamorphic evolution…

Materials Science: Technology Development and Transfer, Coatings and Surface Technologies
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices • Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) • Catalysis for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) • Metal oxide supercapacitors • Rechargeable batteries High Temperature Alloys • High temperature oxidation of alloys • Oxidation protection…

Chemistry, Crystallography, Crystalline Solids, Polymorphism, Hydrates and Pharmaceuticals
Expert has extensive experience in research on crystalline molecular solids, X-ray and neutron crystallography, coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry (RSC Meldola Medal; Bob Hay Lectureship; Corday-Morgan Prize). His research involved organic solid state chemistry, crystallography, polymorphism, solid form and cocrystals.…