Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 712450 Minnesota, USA

Gastroenterology, Medical Use of Voice Recognition

A leading expert on the evaluation of medical lexicons, Expert is the American representative to the international group developing the minimal standard terminology to digestive endoscopy and has a major grant to test it in the U.S. The National Library…

ID: 107708 Wisconsin, USA

Protein Biochemistry, Purification, Characterization; Gentle Immunoaffinity Chromatography

Expert is internationally known for his contributions to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. He has worked in this area since 1964, generally in purifying enzymes involved in RNA synthesis, characterizing the structure and function of enzymes, and studying…

ID: 107595 Illinois, USA

Pharmaceutical Technology, Manufacturing, Quality Systems and Regulations; GMPs and GLPs

Expert specializes in the field of pharmaceutical technology with particular emphasis on the development, manufacture, quality control and quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. As a professional consultant to the healthcare manufacturing industries, he works with about 30 worldwide…

ID: 107653 New York, USA

Protein Biochemistry, Glycoproteins

Expert has spent much of his career involved in studies of the glycoprotein hormone family of gonadotropins. He has been involved in their protein chemistry, including purification of hormones and important natural fragments, primary structural work, and generation of antibodies.…

ID: 107876 Illinois, USA

Educational Assessment and Curriculum Development for Early Childhood, Special Education Assessment

A significant portion of Expert's career in educational assessment has involved the research and development of assessment tools and procedures for young children and adolescents. She considers herself a problem solver who solves learning problems. She developed a screening test,…

ID: 718388 Washington, USA

Fermentation Process

Dr. J. Expert has expertise in bacteriology, with research interests in microbial physiology and biochemistry. As an industrial microbiologist, he has particular strengths in the identification and manipulation of industrially useful microbial cultures and in the development of industrial processes…

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