Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Facilitating Business Growth Through Commercialization of New Medical and Biotechnology Products
Expert has extensive experience supporting clients in pharmaceutical, medical and industrial markets. An electrical engineer by training, and the principal of his own consultancy for more than 12 years, he brings strong market, business development and technical skills to his…
Expert worked with a team that cloned and expressed the enzyme T4 endonuclease VII for commercial distribution. He developed the basic assay of enzyme activity that was used in optimization and quality control of the enzyme. He is an author…
Basic and Applied R&D – Commercial and Government Projects in Physical Sciences and Engineering
Expert is an expert in all aspects of experimental research. He is proficient in conceptual design through R&D, prototyping, and testing. He is also proficient in many technology areas including digital and analog electronics, data acquisition; optics and electrooptics; mechanical…
Drinking Water Quality
In his work with water quality, he was responsible for the interpretation of and compliance with the Surface Water Treatment Rule, the Coliform Rule, the Disinfection/Disinfection By Products Rule, the Lead and Copper Rule, and the Radionuclides Rule. By virtue…
Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, Nanofibers, Droplets, Sprays, Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, Aerosols, Thermal Management of Electronics, Electronics Cooling
His current research focus is on fluid/particle transport and interfacial phenomena relevant to emerging micro and nanotechnologies. Specific projects use advanced experimental diagnostics and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques to investigate fluid behavior in nanoenclosures, droplet dispensing and deposition (ink-jet printing),…
Microcontroller-based Product Design
Most of the projects expert has been involved with have been real-time dependent. He has designed high-speed bit-slice-based data acquisition units for military aircraft radar, high-speed machinery controls, home automation, cordless telephones, fitness equipment, arcade games, and other consumer products.…
Electronic Design and Development
Expert has designed and developed for manufacture linear photodiode array, line-scan CCD and CCD area array-based cameras--either cryogenic or thermoelectric (Peltier) cooled, or uncooled. He helps clients by reviewing their application or existing designs and then recommends optical sensors and…
Control Systems, Modeling, and Simulation
Expert is an expert in development, simulation, analysis, and design of various control systems: classical, adaptive, optimal, digital, multivariable, and nonlinear. Expert has expertise in classical and modern control theory, process control, system optimization, mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and system…
Automated Chemical Sensors
LABORATORY COMPUTERIZED ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION DESIGN; CHEMICAL AUTOANALYSIS. Expert has spent much of his career developing systems or subsystems for devices accomplishing automated chemical analysis. He has experience in all phases of this process, from basic research into sensors to the…
Throughout his professional career Expert has both been a member and an active contributor to several professional associations, beginning in 1962 with a student membership in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). He also became a member of the Computer…