Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Automotive Emissions Reductions Technologies – Light to Heavy Duty, Catalysis, Exhausts Design
Expert is the Managing Director of an advisory consulting service in Automotive Emissions Reduction projects on a Consultancy/Contract basis to assist companies with achieving their vehicle emission targets from exhaust/after treatment designs to certifications. He understands the difficulties companies face…

Bulk Solids and Material Handling, Plant Design, Site Master-Planning and Project Management
Expert holds two patents for Powder Handling System; he invented a new instrument for measuring solids flow rate using a vision system with great accuracy. Expert draws upon 22 years of solid experience in powder and bulk solids handling where…

Surfactant Technology, Polymerisation, PVC Manufacturing, Cleaning Products and Coatings
Expert's expertise in surface and colloid chemistry has been applied to the free radical polymerization of vinyl chloride by both the suspension and emulsion routes. He has worked in research, developing new products and process and as technical manager responsible…

Formulation of Fabric Conditioners, Washing Liquids and Perfume-Surfactant Interactions
Expert has applied his expertise and training in the area of intermolecular forces (vdW and London Dispersion forces) to the processing, cost and formulation optimisation/simplification and shelf-life improvement of concentrate (3x) detergent liquids and concentrate fabric conditioners over a nine…

Detergent Formulation for Laundry, Automatic Dish Wash, Multipurpose Cleaner, Cosmetics, and Personal Care
Expert has extensive experience in the development and technologies of the home care sectors in the U.S., Europe, Africa and Asia. His key trademark skills include application testing, developing protocols, procedures, creating and maintaining transparent communication channel with the customer.…

Textiles, Chemicals, Dyes and Colours, Processing, Testing Labs
Expert has 16 years experience in textile wet processing, textile dyeing, printing of fabric, including textile quality control, textile softening agents, clothes washing, detergent, and also fluorescent whitening agents. She has a number of publications in Indian as well as…

Surfactants Used in Vapour Phase Odour Control, Cleaning Products, Green Chemistry Lohas
He is an expert in chemical compounds for cleaning bathrooms. Expert for 20 years in odour control and measure . In the sanitation market, a client was using a diluted sanitiser which also contained a carcinogen they wanted something more…

Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Cosmetic Analytical Chemistry, Mathematics, General Science
Expert is a retired chemist with over 35 years of experience in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. He evaluated and dispositioned all raw ingredients used in manufacturing cosmetics and OTC cosmetics. He developed a reduced testing program to improve efficiency…

Biotechnological Pharmaceutical Chemical Process Development Design Engineering
Expert has applied his extensive background in chemical engineering in various areas including pharmaceutical process and product development; developing new products for pharmaceutical and consumer industries; process, equipment, and analytical method validation in biotechnology areas; and designing and improving various…

Chemical Manufacturing
Expert has specialized in the design of batch and continuous blending operations typical in the chemical, food, detergent, and personal care products industries. He has developed designs to minimize product aeration and eliminate product storage equipment. He has designed solid…