Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Supply Chain Management, Business Intelligence, Databases
Expert has worked in Supply Chain Management for the Oil & Gas Industry for over 15 years. He has participated in the implementation of several ERPs, playing significant technical or leadership roles. He has developed several large strategic sourcing processes,…

Human Resources Business Processes, Oracle ERP HCM, Oracle Database Design and Development
Expert has assisted companies to develop and implement information systems that support their HRMS business processes. This includes employee personal, dependent, demographic, job assignment, time reporting, payroll and active and continuing employee benefit tracking. He also has experience in data…

Systems Management, Databases, Linux, Biodiversity informatics, Ecological Niche/Envelope Models
Started his career as research assistant (marine ecologist, analyst) at the Fishery Research Lab and Marine Research Centre in his native town (Klaipeda, Lithuania) by observing patterns of benthic and fish communities of the Baltic Sea and Curonian Lagoon. Initially…

Databases, Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Data Integration
Expert has over 20 years of experience in managing technology businesses. He is the Founder and President of a seven year old specialized technology and product consulting firm. The company focuses primarily on Databases, Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence services…

Space Physics, Space Weather, Database Design, Data Management
Expert completed her PhD in Space Physics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2004. Her study used a database and applied statistical methods to field aligned incoherent scatter radar data (100-600 km altitude) in order to determine basic characteristics…

Next Generation Internet, Semantic Web, Database, Languages, Research, Programming, Project Funding
Expert holds a doctor of engineering degree in informatics in the area of software engineering from Technical University Dresden, Germany, with special focus on automated compiler generation for programming languages. She worked as scientific fellow in the area of high…

Web Applications, Security and Architecture, Database Design, System Analysis & Design
Expert has been building software applications since 1975. He has managed, coded, designed, analyzed, tested, installed, and/or supported software in the following areas: payroll, inventory, accounts receivable, job costing, general ledger, accounts payable, bank security, restaurant management, sales journal, menuing…

Database, DB2, Oracle, Aix, HACMP, Websphere, MQ, Windows, BI Tools
Expert considers that his credentials and interests match with your requirement and want to apply for suitable position in your company. Expert brings to you 10 years of IT infrastructure experience of which involves as a Database Analysis/Administration/Installation, Migration &…

Omics Data Analysis, Bioinformatics Analysis, Biological Database Design and Tool Development
Array He is working with many national and international groups which is clearly seen in the publications that were published in last 2 years.

Software Analysis, Software Development, Software Security, Database Development, Data Analysis
He has been designing, analyzing (for IP disputes, security and quality), developing, and managing the development of software applications for over 12 years. He has been designing, analyzing, developing, and managing the development of databases for over 12 years. Analyzed…