Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Fatigue, Spate Methods, NDE, Product Liability, Thermomechanics, etc.
LIFE PREDICTION METHODOLOGIES FOR COMPONENTS OF STRUCTURES, MACHINES, AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Expert's work centers on life prediction methodologies for components of structures, machines, and electronic devices. The major parameters of interest are stress, strain, time, temperature, and damage. These quantities…

Engineering Analysis and Modeling
ENGINEERING ANALYSIS; COMPUTER MODELING; COMPUTER MATHEMATICS; PHYSICS MODELING. Expert and his colleagues run a small company dedicated to problem solving and research in the engineering and physical sciences. They are experienced in computer modeling of engineering systems (thermal, mechanical, fluid,…

Multiphysics Modeling and Data Analysis
Expert has an extensive background in electrical, electronics, and physics-based Multiphysics model development techniques and materials-related considerations. He has written and published 4 college-level step-by-step textbooks on modeling application techniques. He applies his extensive experience to satisfy his client’s design…

Java, LAN-WAN Interconnect, Computer Networks
Employing his extensive network experience, Expert has taken advantage of Java to design and implement network applications. He teaches a university course on computer networks where he uses Java to provide examples and lab experiments. He has designed and implemented…

Lab Automation, LIMS, Validation & Data Analysis
Expert has developed validation plans and executed validation protocols on laboratory computer systems, laboratory information management systems, instruments and instrument data systems. He has consulted for several major pharmaceutical companies and teaches a course on chromatography data system validation at…

Electronics and Programming
C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Expert writes C and C++ programs using Borland C under DOS. Applications include programs to test or operate interface devices, to control communications links, to send and receive data, to perform functional tests of electronic products, and…

Process Control, Systems, and Optimization
Most recently Expert’s work has centered on pharmaceutical batch processes requiring Food and Drug Administration (FDA) software and hardware validation. Expert notes that generally, this requires a data model (both procedural and physical) following the guidelines of ANSI/ISA S88.00.02 and…

Signals, Imaging, Seismic Method – All Aspects, Expert Witness
Expert's work with acoustic signals and their processing has included biosonar, exploration seismic imaging, ultrasonic uses in medical imaging and non-destructive evaluation, sonar systems, and sonic well logging. Specific problems he has been involved in include signal enhancement, data compression,…

Sound, Vibration, and Dynamics
The employees of Expert's company have worked in many areas of applied acoustics for over 40 years. This has included the areas of audio, ultrasonics, structural acoustics, noise control and the design of quiet products, outdoor sound propagation, and machinery…

Instrument and Control Systems
INSTRUMENTATION; PROCESS CONTROL; CHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROL. Expert has 30 years of experience in engineering, design and specification of instrumentation and control systems for chemical and refining plants. These systems include distributed and computer control, and conventional pneumatic/electronic control consisting of…