Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724936 Florida, USA

Global Sourcing – Electronics, Metals and Plastics or Construction Materials

Managing risks is the key to working with suppliers in the Far East. If you are able to have a working relationship already, with a good core of suppliers, the risks is minimized, only to a certain point, but at…

ID: 724932 California, USA

Powder Coating and Metal Finishing, Media Blasting, etc.

An area that Expert has extensive experience is in sandblasting and the more general description for the industry, media blasting. Having written a book "Media Blasting" for The Eastwood Company Expert has extensive knowledge of types of medias used in…

ID: 724928 California, USA

Biometrics, Facial Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition, Iris Recognition, International Technology Transfers, and IT Engineering

Expert scope of experience in business spans new small business entrepreneurship, management positions for small private business with $20M-40M revenue, key leadership positions in small publicly traded companies ( over $100M revenue) and very large corporate with over $38 Billion…

ID: 724892 Vermont, USA

Many Trades: Windows Software, Photography, CAD, Stirling Engines, Electric Guitar Hardware

Applications have ranged from medical data acquisition and processing (statistics, graphs) to image processing to real-time data acquisition and analysis to whole-house power controllers to Stirling engine simulations to web site monitoring and data acquisition to system utilities to duplicate…

ID: 724861 Arizona, USA

Vibration Analysis, Mechanical Failure Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Injury Biomechanics

Expert has extensive experience with the modeling and analysis of complex mechanical systems that incorporate articulated joints and that involve large and high rates of rotation. He has used angular momentum concepts to analyze the motion of falling cats as…

ID: 724855 Florida, USA

Industrial Hygiene and Safety, Infection Controls, Risk Assessment & Management, Investigation, etc.

He has worked in industry and as a consultant to industry performing injury and illness investigation and root cause analysis. Rate reduction requires an understanding of the contributing causes. As causes and key contributing factors were identified, physical conditions, programs,…

ID: 724853 California, USA

Marine: Diesel, Gasoline, Natural Gas Fueled Engines, Heavy Duty Equipment, Power Co-generation

Expert has studied and worked with most types of engines and engine systems throughout his career. His focus has been in operations, maintenance, reliability and failure investigations and analysis. Engine systems includes all of the ancillary equipment that it takes…

ID: 724773 Massachusetts, USA

Medical/Hospital Equipment: Markets, Unmet Needs, Concept, Design, IP, Automation, Manufacturing

Biomedical Devices range from simple items we use as consumers to complex instruments controlled by proficiently trained professionals. Expert's involvement and experience has been in the development of capital equipment that often included one or more disposables, were used in…

ID: 724766 Connecticut, USA

Process Automation, Robotic Work Cell Design, Mechanical Design, Machine & Product Design, 3D Models

Expert has been involved as lead design engineer and project manager on numerous manufacturing automation projects for more than a decade. These projects have varied from dedicated "hard automation" systems designed specifically for a single product to flexible automation cells…

ID: 724761 Alaska, USA

Mining Engineering, Ore Reserve Estimation, Process Control, Artificial Intelligence, Coal Mines

Expert has not only worked in a highly gassy underground coal mine, but has also taught coal mine design, besides having designed a multi-seam mine himself. His master's work was on stress transfer between multiple seams. He won the Flame…

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