Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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HVAC Systems, Indoor Air Quality, Air Distribribution in Buildings, Thermal Comfort
Expert is a leading international expert in indoor air quality, air distribution in buildings, and energy performance of buildings and systems. Qualifications BSc (Mech. Eng.), MSc (Heat Transfer), PhD (Aerodynamics), CEng, FIMechE, MCIBSE, MASHRAE He is a consultant to many…
Computer Troubleshooting, Software Problems, .NET, ASP.NET, C#, Hardware Issue
Expert has more than 5 years of experience in the computer science industry. He has been developing softwares for local industry since his college days and is also working with international clients. Initially, the projects were developed in C,C++ and…
Process & Control Engineering, Operational Excellence, Reliability & Expert Witness
Multi-talented and versatile leadership & management skills with geographically and culturally diverse teams & projects. Broad and diverse experience in the refining, petrochemical, chemical, and biofuels industries. Project management skills include project definition, budget, scope & proposal development, and cost…
Procurement and Contract Management Consulting for Railway and Aviation Physical Development
Senior Procurement and Contract Management Specialist with over 30 years of professional experience gained in several countries during all stages of development of different transportation and other infrastructure projects including, during the past fifteen years, five major rail projects (high…
Analysis, FEA, CFD, Medical Devices, Heat Transfer, Elastomers, Diffusion, Solar, Coupled Systems
Real invention and innovation most often springs from cross-fertilization and analogies from broad experience, quite apart from an entire career in a narrow field. See, for instance, Holyak and Thagard, "Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought". Expert is a broad…
Robotics; Robot Teams/Swarms; Distributed Systems; Reconfigurable Hardware; Autonomous Systems
Expert is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at a university in the UK. He has worked full-time for 14 years with a wide range of robotic systems at the EPFL, Switzerland,…
Physical Asset Tracking and Audit, Barcode and RFID Software and Technology
Expert has thirty years of experience as founder of a commercial software provider for asset tracking with handheld mobile devices and barcode technology. In addition he has diversified software and technical experience including two years of as an industrial engineering…
Design and Construction Management and Integration
Since 2000, as an MSc and CPD modules designer, co-ordinator and convenor, Expert is involved in the full cycle of course design, delivery and review in compliance with Employer quality standards. She designs the module, sets its specifications, learning outcomes,…
Problem Solving, Project Management & Rescuing, Automation, Security & Safety, SWE, RTD, QA, Training & Education
A PhD from Reading University (UK), Dr.Ing. and MSc in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, eMBA in ICT System Management (SDA-Bocconi) and Software Engineering (IBM-IFDA) plus additional qualifications in several domains spanning from Forensics to Psychology. Over 30…
Public Safety Communications and 9-1-1 Center Operations
Expert's areas of expertise include SOP development, training programs, Nex-Gen 9-1-1 implementation, scheduling methods, discipline and management issues. His years of experience in Law Enforcement, Fire, and Medical dispatch centers and 9-1-1 centers can help solve current problems and help…