Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Multiphysics Modeling and Data Analysis
Expert has an extensive background in electrical, electronics, and physics-based Multiphysics model development techniques and materials-related considerations. He has written and published 4 college-level step-by-step textbooks on modeling application techniques. He applies his extensive experience to satisfy his client’s design…

Lab Automation, LIMS, Validation & Data Analysis
Expert has developed validation plans and executed validation protocols on laboratory computer systems, laboratory information management systems, instruments and instrument data systems. He has consulted for several major pharmaceutical companies and teaches a course on chromatography data system validation at…

Polymer Photochemistry
Expert' primary area of expertise is photochemistry, especially polymer photochemistry. In particular, he is interested in photoinitiator and photoinitiation design, two and three-dimensional imaging technologies, photodegradation, photostabilization, and any of several areas related to the interaction of light with polymers…

Software Engineer, Testing, QA
COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEERING; SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOL; SOFTWARE TESTING. Expert is Chairman and CEO of a software company. He is a leading figure in the software engineering community, specializing in advanced technology for software testing, software verification and validation, automated software…

Fuzzy, Neural and AI Systems
Expert's book, "Pattern Recognition Using Neural Networks, published by Oxford University Press in 1997, is considered an excellent reference in this area. Expert also has some papers in the research literature and has developed a powerful algorithm (the radial basis…

Data Security, Supercomputers
COMPUTER SECURITY SYSTEM; DATA SECURITY; COMPUTER VIRUS. ExpertLeiss (pronounced lyce), a computer scientist, is an authority in the increasingly important field of data security. He has published two books related to data security and teaches a graduate level course on…

Design/Manufacturing & Materials
MATERIAL SCIENCE. Expert (prefers Expert ) has expertise in many aspects of design and manufacturing, in particular, materials selection, processing, forming, shaping, and materials properties, behavior, and performance. He is a well-known expert in mechanics of materials, deformation processing of…

Physical Chemistry of Food & Drugs
FOOD CHEMISTRY; FOOD DRYING. Expert is a recognized authority in the physical chemistry of the stability of dry and semi-moist systems including foods, drugs, and biologies. His major research areas deal with the effect of temperature and are properties of…

Computers, Data Communications, VOIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol, philatelist, expert witness
Expert is an expert in data and voice communications-based systems, networking to include LANs and WANs, and PC technology. He has over 40 years of experience in the design, operation, and modification of complex, nationwide data and computer communications networks.…

Information Management
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in the laboratory environment. Prior to starting his independent consulting practice in 1985, he was employed in industry. He has been actively engaged in the use of computers for the management of…