Expert Directory
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Materials Science
Expert graduated with a Doctorate in Materials Science in 2008 and a Master of Science Degree in Materials Science in 2001. His undergraduate degree was the Diplôme D’études Supérieur (D.E.S) in Physics in 1995. His ability areas are typically Metallurgy,…

Composite Materials, Damage, Fatigue, Failure Analysis
Expert has worked in the area of composite material damage, fatigue and failure for over 30 years. He has written the first book on the subject of fatigue of composite materials and another one on damage and failure of composite…

Composite Materials, Nondestructive evaluation (ultrasound, thermography etc..) , FE modelling
Material Characterization and failure Expert in composite material testing, analysis and failure. Non-destructive evaluation using linear and nonlinear ultrasound. Nonlinear FE modelling using ANSYS, LS-DYNA3D and Nastran Consultant for various companies (Rolls Royce, CIRA, Nedeas, Knorr-Bremse etc..)

Polymer and Composites Engineering, Manufacture and Usage of these Materials
Expert has extensive experience in the design, manufacture and use of polymeric and composite materials. He has specific expertise in both thermoplastic and thermosetting composites and in the use of composites in the oil and gas industry. His experience includes…

Textiles, Composite Materials, Failure Mechanisms, Fabrics, Mechanics and Manufacturing
Expert is Professor of Engineering. He has a PhD in Materials Science with a specialty in three dimensional textile reinforced composites. In his 27 years of teaching and research experience he has taught in Materials Science, Textile Materials, Textile Engineering…

Radial Tire Design, Radial Tire Mechanics, Tire/Vehicle Matching, Tire Building
Expert used to teach classical, structural and vibration mechanics for 2 years in ECN called at that time ENSM. Teached Continuum mechanics, used it in Research work paticularly in tire mechanics modeling. Had obviously to teach also coordinate set which…

Mechanics of Composites, Micromechanics, Nanocomposites, Modeling, Probability
For the past 30 years, The Expert proposed and developed a micromechanics methodology to analyze the wide class of statical and dynamical, local and nonlocal, linear and nonlinear micromechanical problems (thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, piezoelectricity, conductivity) of composite materials with deterministic…

Compliant Mechanisms, Flexure/Torsion Hinges, MEMS, Microsystems, and Finite Element Analysis
Expert notes that both of Castigliano's theorems are excellent tools in quantifying deformations and loads (external or reaction) of elastic bodies under small- or large-deformation modeling assumptions. He has extensively applied these theorems in finding closed-form solutions for compliances or…

DFM, Smart Materials and Composites
SMART MATERIAL; INTELLIGENT MATERIAL. Expert has published the first book in this field and pioneered work on fluid-based smart structures. He has extensive experience in all aspects of this embryonic field. In addition, Expert has provided his services to the…

Composite Materials
Expert has had extensive experience in cost/performance trade studies for the selection of composite materials. These materials use graphite, aramid, glass, and polyolefin fibers with epoxy, vinyl ester, and other thermosetting resins. Expert has knowledge of the structural capabilities, limitations,…