Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Chronic Respiratory Disease
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASES; RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE THERAPY; ALLERGEN. Expert has over 25 years of experience as a clinical allergist specializing in chronic respiratory diseases. He is adept at the use of allergens, histamines and methacholine to document the triggers of…

Drug Delivery Modeling
Expert is an independent modeling consultant from Huntsville, Alabama. Until recently, he was a senior principal scientist in CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC), Huntsville, Alabama. He has a strong background in PBBM/PBPK modeling and simulation methods, CFD, scientific computing, mathematical modeling…

Medical Device Failure Analysis, Medical Device Product Liability, Patent Infringement Analysis, Patent Invalidity and Validity Analysis, Patent Claim Construction
Expert has over 20 years in the medical device and electronics industries, with contributions exemplified in the numerous products that were developed under his leadership. These products today are improving the quality of healthcare, in hospitals, sub-acute and alternate care…

Medicated Aerosol and Inhalers
Expert has been in the field of Medicated aerosol (MDI, DPI and nebulizers) since 2004. His PhD was in this field and most of his 77 published paper and 48 conferences presentations are in this field. Expert has a respiratory…

Pediatric Pulmonology
Expert earned his MD in 1975 and his MPH in Epidemiology in 1996. He is currently Chief of Pulmonary Medicine; Professor of Pediatrics; Director of Pediatric Pulmonology; Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center; and Director of the Community Asthma Program…

Medical Device Product Management, Product Launch, Marketing, Sales, and Sales Operations
Expert has over 30 years commercial experience in medical and diagnostic device product management and development, marketing, sales, operations, distribution and finance as an individual Contributor, Director, Vice President and CEO. Expert provides strategic advice to start-up medical device companies,…

Drug Delivery, Nutrigenomics/Epigenetics, Molecular Cancer Biology, Mouse Models, Cell Based Assays
Expert completed her PhD in molecular nutrition and cancer biology in the University of Texas at Austin.Throughout her graduate training, she showed initiative and creativity in launching original research projects and her doctoral dissertation was funded by the NIH (F31)…

Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Bronchial Hyperreactivity
Prof. Expert's research interests include the following: Pathogenetic mechanisms of bronchial hyperreactivity and in particular on the role of a number of proinflammatory agonists such as adenosine, bradykinin, substance P, and neurokinin A. Pathogenetic mechanisms and treatment of asthma, COPD…

Targeted Therapies for Human Tumours
Expert's group has been working from many years on new treatments for mesothelioma. These new treatments are called "translational therapies" because are directly translated from preclinical research applied to thoracic malignancies.

Fire, Explosion, Toxic releases, Chemical hazards, Chemical exposure, Risk assessment, Air pollution
Expert has investigated many process related industrial accidents (fire, explosion, toxic release etc), the best known of which was Buncefield, where he was one of two external experts relied on by the owners of the facility to assist with root…