Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Design
Expert is a Registered Engineer in Indiana. He graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a second major in Chemistry, and then from The University of Notre Dame with a Master of Materials Science…

Formulation Chemistry
Spray drying expertise in volatile solvents and end-user food powder products. A lead formulation chemist with over eight years of experience in the area of the formulation. A talented chemist that excels in a high-performing multidisciplinary research environment in the…

Technical, Administrative, and Financial Management of Large-Scale Multi-Discipline Environmental and Social Programs (Ex: earth sciences, environmental investigations, water resources, hydrogeology)
Expert with extensive hands-on experience in the technical, administrative, and financial management of large-scale multi-discipline environmental and social programs in the U.S. and in over 30 countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Australia. Clients…

Silicone Process Chemistry
Expert has a strong background in experimentation, mechanism reaction kinetics, chemical synthesis, experience with silicon/silicone materials, computational chemistry/engineering, and material characterization. Expert has been inventor and project leader for multiple projects that results in +$1MM/yr in cost savings. Previous roles…

Bioanalytics, Chemistry
As an active contributor in the R&D scientific division of both industry and government for the past 20+ years, Expert has had the opportunity to leverage his strong structure elucidation background from graduate school for application in clinical, and forensic…

Expert has over 37 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including work as an independent consultant. As a consultant he offered preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacometric support services, with emphasis on providing strategic planning services throughout a…

Equipment Validation
Experienced pharmaceutical process engineer with demonstrated ability in managing, supporting, and formulating in a dynamic environment. EQUIPMENT EXPERIENCE Ackley Imprinter Glatt - GPCG-1, GPCG Pro-5, VG Pro 65, Midi Glatt, VG-25, Glatt SKS-100 valves. Korsch - XL400WIP,…

Forensic Science: Crime Laboratory, Toxicology, Trace Evidence, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Forensic Chemistry
With nearly 30 years of experience in public service as a Forensic Scientist, Expert has held every position within a crime laboratory, from Bench Analyst to Laboratory Director. Expert began her career as a forensic toxicologist, analyzing blood and urine…

Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals
Expert's services have been retained in a high-profile ANDA case against Pfizer. Expert was deposed and participated in pretrial preparation. He has recently provided expert witness consulting services in a case for a nutraceutical company, where he was deposed and…

Pharmaceuticals: Formulations, Injectables, Topicals, Analgesics, Pharmaceutical Analysis
CORE SKILLS Instrumentation skills. APIs/preformulation: X-ray diffraction; Raman spectroscopy; HPLC (potency, degradants, purity, linearity, accuracy, precision, LOQ, LOD) with detection via UV-Vis, fluorescence, and conductivity; content uniformity, dissolution/elution incl. sustained- and immediate release formulations, paddle wheel apparatus; forced degradation incl.…