Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 737529 Singapore

Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup

Executive summary: Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning…

ID: 735205 Florida, USA

Reaction Engineering, Process Reactor/ Technology Development, Design, Debottlenecking/ Revamp/ Upgrade, Modeling/ Application Software, Process Intensification

He is a recognized expert in design, development, scale-up, demonstration and debottlenecking of commercial reactors. With a track record of successful commercialization of three new technologies, currently working for a fourth, and zero-failure, he offers a unique set of capabilities…

ID: 732984 California, USA

Mechanical Engineering

Expert specializes in the analysis of products and systems in the automotive, thermal design, consumer product, and industrial environments. His work includes investigations of technical issues related to vehicles, liquid and gas flows, consumer appliances, and consumer electronics. He has…

ID: 730610 Canada

GMP Compliance EPCMV of BioPharmaceutical Process, Clean Utilities, Systems, Facilities Engineering

He is a Health Canada Expert (in 2007) and a Senior BioProcess Engineer & Project Manager Consultant; He acquired more than 21 years’ experience with various BioPharma Industries & Consulting companies (SNC Lavalin Pharma), where more than 50 projects were…

ID: 728984 Texas, USA

Process & Control Engineering, Operational Excellence, Reliability & Expert Witness

Multi-talented and versatile leadership & management skills with geographically and culturally diverse teams & projects. Broad and diverse experience in the refining, petrochemical, chemical, and biofuels industries. Project management skills include project definition, budget, scope & proposal development, and cost…

ID: 726952 Indiana, USA

Green Energy Controls, Automotive Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical Process Controls

Expert has designed patented systems which increase manufacturing productivity, flexibility, and quality while drastically reducing inventory in discrete and continuous manufacturing industries such as automotive, machine tool, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and recovery of pipeline-grade Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) from waste sources…

ID: 723991 California, USA

Mechanics (Stress, Dynamics, Test), Modeling (FEA, CFD, Chemical), Machine Design, Controls

At Cessna, Expert designed the pressure cabin, empennage, and main spar carry through for the 441 Conquest and 650 Citation 2. His other engineering responsibilities included stress measurement (strain gauges, brittle coatings), solids modeling (NASTRAN), and FAA certification report authoring.…

ID: 723861 Indiana, USA

Process Automation: Process Control, Computer System Validation, Alarm Management, & Modeling

Expert served for several years as a major pharmaceutical company's chief Quality Assurance GMP/GLP computer validation auditor. He chaired the team that developed the company's first policy and guidelines regarding computer validation,- and served for several years as the company's…

ID: 723106 Texas, USA

Chemical Reactors, Chemical Processes, Particulate Processes

Expert has over 30 years of experience in chemical processes and reactions. He has worked as a professor teaching students in the chemical engineering program. He has also provided consulting services to many companies. He has developed a process to…

ID: 722784 Canada

Process Engineering and Chemistry of Inorganic Chemicals

Expert W. Expert has 20 years’ experience in process design and operation of chlorine manufacturing facilities. He has worked on projects including the development of material and energy balances and the equipment sizing for a 15% chlorine plant expansion, troubleshooting…

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