Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Business & Technical Practices: Safety Issues, Environmental Issues, Capital Project Management, Complex Chemical Circumstances, and Litigation
Expert is a highly regarded chemical engineer, consultant, entrepreneur and expert witness with over 35 years of experience specializing in industrial chemicals and environmental, health and safety engineering. He has been providing guidance and opinions to attorneys, governments, and organizations…
Operational Process Improvement and Value Creation
With a technical background in chemistry and over 28 years experience conducting assessments of industrial manufacturing operations, Expert (pronounced Po-JAS-sek) has developed a nationally recognized practice in pollution prevention. Using proven total quality management tools, he helps facilities plan and…
Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Technology
Expert has expertise in the areas of multiphase flow and heat transfer technology, particularly the measurement and modelling of vapor/liquid and solid/fluid systems. His expertise includes boiling and condensing heat transfer, two-fluid modelling, and instability analysis. Expert has applied his…
Stormwater Management, Environmental Spill Containment and Response, Radwaste Packaging and Filters
Since 1981, Expert has been involved in understanding, interpreting, and keeping up-to-date with DOT packaging standards, specifically the Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulation for containers and non-bulk packaging. He has worked closely with the exemptions branch, and has applied for and…
Food Toxicology and Food Allergies
FOOD TOXICOLOGY. Expert has conducted research on a wide variety of foodborne toxicants, both naturally-occurring and additives. Special interests have included food allergies and allergens, sulfites, histamine poisoning, and processing-induced toxicants. He is widely viewed as an expert on naturally-occurring…
Food Technology, Product Development/Optimization, Food Quality, Anti-oxidants, Sensory, Consumer
Expert is internationally recognized for her expertise in sensory evaluation of food products and associated packaging. She heads the sensory evaluation program at the Employer, which is ranked among the top five sensory science programs in the country. As a…
Mixing, Pilot Plants, Scaleup, Atomization, Agglomeration, Evaporation, Heat Exchangers
Expert has extensive knowledge of mixing operations needed in the chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical industries. His knowledge includes the proper selection of effective mixing geometries and the power requirements needed by a mixing unit in either laminar or turbulent applications.…
Food Additives and Ingredients, Food Processing
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in food research and food processing technologies. He has engaged in the formulation and preservation of food throughout his professional career. He is familiar with the composition, classification, methods of preservation, nutritional…
Industrial Pollution Control
ACTIVATED CARBON; ACTIVATED CARBON WATER FILTRATION; DESORPTION. For the last five years, Expert has been closely involved in projects utilizing activated carbon. Projects have included carbon sourcing, carbon quality control systems, carbon equipment design (liquid and vapor), and new technology…
Chemical Process and Design
Expert has expertise in design, system engineering, and practical applications focusing on packed and tray towers, evaporators, heat exchangers (i.e. shell and tube, spiral and plate type, and specialized heat transfer equipment), heat pumps, pressure and vacuum filtration, dryers, centrifuges,…